Chapter Thirteen

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The fans were amazing, each show was better than the last. I got such a thrill being up on stage every day doing what I loved, while the love of my life stood side stage dancing and singing along.

Both Vic and Mike had dropped the suspicion so Gabby and I were able to sneak more moments alone together. It also helped that every band on tour was supportive and helped us come up with excuses.

Gabby and I had sat down together and discussed our options, we both wanted to come clean to Vic and Mike before the end of Warped otherwise the longer we left it the angrier and more hurt they'd be. But we were easily distracted and ended up making out or having sex in some quite inappropriate places.

"Great show guys, you nail it each time."

Gabby hugged Jaime followed by Mike and then Vic leaving me till last, she waited until the other guys had shuffled off before throwing her arms around my neck and pecked my lips.

"God I can't wait to kiss you and not feel guilty about it Tone."

"We do need to tell your brothers soon Gabs. But we're easily distracted."

She sighs and buries her head into my shoulder mumbling something incoherent. I rub her back and think back to all the close encounters we've had with her brothers, yes we'd never been caught but how much longer could we keep this secret? I had to take a stand in this relationship and man up.

"Why don't we go out tomorrow afternoon and make a plan? One more day of secrets never hurt anyone that bad."

Gabriella nods before pulling away from me and straightens her outfit. Just then Jaime walks around the corner followed by Mike who he was pestering about not needing to come backstage again. If we were a cat then our nine lives had run out a long time ago.

"Hime I came to remind my sister that she promised to have a Harry Potter day with me, what's up with you lately man?"

I glance at Gabriella who shrugs her shoulders before running ad tackling her older brother.

"I almost forgot Mikey, Harry Potter calls to us."

The two of them high-five and instead of putting his sister down Mike picks her up and starts to carry her bridal style away from me and Jaime. Once the two Fuentes siblings were out of sight Jaime punches me in the shoulder and scowls.

"How much longer turtle? I love you and Gabby, but Mike and Vic think something's wrong with me and I don't like it."

I rub my shoulder, Jaime had a mean punch.

"We're going to spend tomorrow afternoon planning how to tell them gently. I'm thinking at the park a couple miles down the road because her brothers will never go there. Thanks for keeping our secret Hime; it means the world to both of us."

Jaime nods before slinging an arm around my shoulder and starts to steer me away from backstage as if nothing had happened between the two of us. Jaime wanted to check out a few of the lesser known bands and I allowed myself to be dragged along like a rag doll.


I got into my Harry Potter shorts and grabbed my Harry Potter blanket from my bunk before heading to the back lounge that Mike had claimed for our movie marathon. He was already there setting up the DVD, it was moments like these that I felt awful for keeping my brothers in the dark about my relationship with Tony.

"I got snacks and drinks, though Vic scolded me and said we should be eating healthy."

Mike motions to the pile of junk on the table and my eyes light up, my worries are forgotten for a second.

"Screw Vic and his health obsession, a little junk food never hurt anyone Mikey."

Mike chuckles as I snatch a packet of chocolate and make myself comfortable on the sofa. He hits play on the DVD and joins me holding a bowl of popcorn. We both had the same blankets but Mike's was slightly larger so I snuggled into it more than mine which Mike had no problem with because it meant he could cuddle me.

"I'm glad you suggested this sis, we don't get to spend a lot of time together just the two of us lately."

"I know big brother, but that's all going to change soon."

Mike didn't question me as the first movie started up. The lies and betrayal would soon be over and we could go back to one big happy family.

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