Chapter One

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Today was a normal day in the Fuentes household. Mike and Vic had gone to band practice and said I couldn't come with them today because their band Before Today had some news for them. So I'd stayed home and helped mama around the house which earned me some extra brownie points as I broke one of her favourites vases last week.

"Gabriela come and help me chop the vegetables."

I put down the polish and walked into the kitchen throwing my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. Vic and I always competed for who had the best hair; seriously Vic had nicer hair than half of my girlfriends. I washed my hands and hugged mama before picking up a peeler.

I was the only daughter which meant I did get spoilt, also being the youngest had its advantages because I could easily put the blame on my big brothers well minus the vase because mama was in the room when I dropped it. I was four years younger than Mike and five years younger than Vic but they were my best friends.

Of course, they were overly protective of me like any brothers would be. When I first met their band mates they made one rule, which was no dating their little sister or the consequences would be major.

"Mama, how many carrots do you want to be peeled?"

Before mama could answer my question the front door opened and slammed shut making us jump as Mike and Vic's raised voices filled the hallway. I put the peeler down and left the kitchen to see what was wrong with my brothers, they sounded pissed off about something.

I found them in the living room, Mike was sat on the sofa with his head in his hands and Vic was pacing up and down.

"Err guys what happened? I thought you had band practice for another hour?"

"We did sis that was until we found out the other guys want to quit the band. We don't have a band anymore."

My heart sunk for them, Mike and Vic were extremely talented. I sat down next to Mike and wrapped my arms around his shoulders; he removed his head from his hands and hugged me back.

"This doesn't mean the two of you have to stop making music, you're going to write some kick ass songs and find new members and form a whole new band. Then you're going to get signed, release multiple albums and tour around the world."

Mike chuckled while Vic stopped pacing and walked over to us before ruffling my hair.

"Thanks, Gabs."

"You're welcome big brothers now I really must go back and help mama."

I unlatched myself from Mike and hopped off the sofa before waltzing back into the kitchen with a huge smile on my face. Mama turned to face me and put down her own peeler.

"Did you sort your brothers out?"

I nodded and picked up my discarded peeler and started to work on the pile of carrots in front of me.

"I sure did mama, I made them see that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel."

I had a good feeling that my brothers would take my advice.


Today was the day I was meeting my brother's new band mates. They'd taken my advice a year ago and continued to write music, hell they had enough songs for an album and just needed a couple more members. I hoped the new members liked me, Mike and Vic assured me that they would because everyone I met loved me.

Because they were having them over to the house I knew I didn't have to put that much effort into my outfit. I let my hair dry naturally after getting out of the shower, which meant it went naturally wavy which I loved because Vic was most likely going to straighten his hair so I couldn't rock the same look as my older brother.

"Gabs can I borrow your straighteners? Mine broke."

As if on cue Vic popped his head around my bedroom door and I rolled my eyes before nodding.

"Why yes, you can brother of mine."

Vic cheered and walked over to my vanity before sitting down on my chair and turned them on while I sat on the bed playing with the polaroid camera mama and papa got me for my birthday.

"You look very nice Gabs, don't worry Mike and I already gave Tony and Jaime the talk about you being off limits."

Of course, they did. Vic ignored my silence and started straightening his hair. I played with the hem of my ripped shorts before a knock on my bedroom door drew my attention; Mike popped his head around the door just like Vic had. I took a picture and waited for it to develop.

"So this is where the party's at I see why wasn't I invited?"

Vic shot him the finger while I jumped off the bed and ran at Mike so he had to catch me.

"Love you Mikey. Say cheese."

I held the camera in front of us and we both pulled a cheesy face. Vic shook his head and put the straighteners down before joining us, he took my camera and we snapped some more pictures before he handed it back to me.

Someone knocked on the front door and Vic squealed before running out of my room, I glanced at Mike and we both burst into laughter at Vic's manliness. I was about to tell Mike to put me down when he decided he wanted to carry me downstairs with me still clinging to his side.

I heard Vic laughing with people in the living room. Mike carried me around the corner before dumping me on one of the armchairs, I scowled at him. The laughter ceased and suddenly I felt embarrassed because this wasn't a great first impression.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight tall brother."

Mike raised his hands in front of himself while Vic chuckled next to a guy who had spiky hair and a warm smile. Next to the hedgehog was a more lanky, almost the same body type as Mike guy who wore a snapback and big glasses to rival my own. He sat apart from Vic and spiky hair; maybe he was nervous around people.

"Hime and Tony meet our sister Gabriela, and Gabriela meet Hime and Tony."

After Mike's introductions, I waved at them and they waved back before the five of us broke off into smaller conversations. I found myself drawn to Tony who wasn't contributing to Vic, Mike's and Jaime's conversation.

"I see you like Star Wars Tony. I love Star Wars, though when I'm alone with Mike I have to pretend to be a hardcore Harry Potter fan."

Tony cracked a smile and turned to face me, he had the cutest smile. Though I had to mentally scold myself for thinking that, Tony's in a band with my brothers and they have that one stupid rule about me being off limits.

"Don't worry Gabriela I'll keep your secret."

"Pinky promise Tony?"

I stuck out my little finger and wiggled it in his direction earning me a chuckle and a shake of the head before he linked his finger with mine.

"Pinky promise baby Fuentes."

Tony and I spent the rest of the evening talking and it turned out we pretty much liked all the same things, well except the fact he was obsessed with turtles and my animal obsession was pandas. I also got to joke with Jaime who already felt like another brother to me, I made him a promise that on my 21st he could get me legally drunk.

My brothers told me the new band name was Pierce The Veil and they were hoping to get their album finished by the end of the year and released. I was so proud of them, now they just needed to become famous so I could have an excuse to travel around the world. 

Check out my other PTV fic called 'Twitter Saved Me - Mike Fuentes'

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