Chapter Eleven

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Today was the day the bus was coming to pick us up to head off to Warped Tour. I'd spent the night before at Tony's stating I was giving my brothers some alone time with their girlfriends which they appreciated. Of course Tony and I had sex, we were going to have to keep it to a minimal while on the bus and on tour in general.

"Gabs, are you nearly ready? The bus will be here in ten."

Tony shouts up the stairs and I quickly finish throwing stuff into my backpack nearly tripping over the duvet in the process. Of course, I was the one running late, but that was just me.

"Calm down turtle, I nearly broke my neck on the damn duvet."

I hear laughter coming down the hallway and Tony emerges in the doorway watching me with a smirk. I throw a pillow at him but he ducks and throws it back at me hitting me square in the face.

"Don't pout Fuentes."

Tony grabs my hand and pulls me up off the floor, I smile and wrap my arms around his neck before leaning in to kiss him. He kisses back and I jump slightly as his cold hands run down my body and slide under my shirt, of course, Tony would hint at having a quickie before the bus arrived but we couldn't risk getting caught.

"Tony, we can't the bus will be here soon and my brothers have a key to your place remember. Plus we've had enough sex in the last twenty-four hours that I'm surprised the neighbours haven't complained and called us sex addicts."

Tony grumbles and buries his face into my neck tickling my neck with his breath. I stroke his hair and sigh, this was going to be a hard summer having to keep our hands off each other.

"Oi love birds, the bus is here along with Gabby's brothers who are waiting downstairs. I think Vic suspects something which is why I volunteered to come upstairs, while Mike is on the phone to the girlfriend."

Tony and I pull apart as Jaime walks into the room and throws his arm around my shoulder. It could have easily been Vic who walked in and then we'd have some explaining to do.

"It's going to suck having to keep away from each other Gabs."

I felt Tony's pain. Jaime shakes his head and leans over to ruffle Tony's hair.

"You've got SWS on your side especially since Katelynne is coming on Warped to help you come up with excuses, plus you have Hime at your service."

"What's taking you three so long? Having a secret threesome up here?"

The three of us jump apart as Mike leans in the doorway smirking. Tony and Jaime open their mouths but quickly shut them, I throw my backpack over my shoulder and skip towards my older brother who welcomes me with open arms.

"If we were having a threesome Mike I'm pretty sure you and Vic would hear us. Now don't we have a bus to catch?"

Mike chuckles and squeezes me before motioning for us to leave the bedroom. I signal at Tony and Jaime to get my bags, what I had a lot of stuff and they were strong men.


Of course, Gabs leaves me and Jaime to grab her bags along with mine. I watch my secret girlfriend walk out arm in arm with her brother who didn't suspect anything. Jaime pats my back and picks up Gabby's suitcase.

"One day Vic and Mike will accept your relationship Tone, they just need to see that you're the only guy good enough for their baby sister."

Hopefully, that day came quicker rather than later. I'd heard from Gabs about her brothers plan to set her up with a band member on Warped.

I lock up the apartment and make my way to the bus where Jaime and Mike were loading bags beneath the bus. I throw my own bags inside and get onto the bus only to come face to face with Vic, I jump back a few steps and put my hand over my chest.

"Damn Vic way to give a guy a heart attack."

Vic smirks, "what did you and Gabriela do last night turtle?"

I scratch the back of my head "nothing much, just watched some films and argued over Star Wars. I didn't realise how much stuff she has at mine until she was running around earlier packing last minute."

Vic folds his arms over his chest, why couldn't he be more laid back like Mike? "she has a shopping problem, she has so much stuff at Jaime's as well it's unbelievable. Go and pick your bunk turtle before Mike and Jaime claim theirs."

I shuffle around Vic and make my way towards the bunk area, Gabby pokes her head out of a middle bunk towards the back of the bus and waves me over. I put my bag in the bunk beneath hers, at least we could be close to each other. We wouldn't have to worry about Mike and Vic either because Jaime quickly claimed the bunk above Gabby's, while the tour manager and two merch sellers took the bunks on the opposite side leaving Mike and Vic towards the front of the bunk area.

Gabby excused herself to go mess with her cameras in her bunk while Mike and Vic were napping, Jaime motioned for me to follow Gabby which I did. I open her curtains and she looks up from adjusting a camera lens with a big Cheshire Cat smile and pats the space next to her.

"Are you just going to stand there Tony, or are you going to come and cuddle with me?""

"I think I'm going to cuddle with you."

She puts her camera down and slides over allowing me to crawl inside and lie down, she lies down next to me and rests her head on my chest. I stroke her hair while she traces her fingers over my tattoos.

"This is nice Tony."

I hum in approval, "I agree Gabs, I just hope we get more moments like these while the tour goes on."

We spend the next hour cuddling in her bunk until we hear movement from the front bunk area. She pecks my lips and I make a quick escape from her bunk slipping into mine and try to look busy just as Mike crouches down and opens my curtain. We were going to have many close calls, I just hoped we didn't get caught for both our sakes.

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