Chapter 20

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The press was setting up inside and outside the court house as the people gathered into the courtroom awaiting trial. The headlines read 'Valley Thugs with Attitude against Crystal Delight' on the papers. For the most part, people could not understand how Bethany gotten mixed up with the scumbag. There was talk about how she was a northern beauty mixed up with the beast from down under and she could not resist the thuggish ways of a man from the south. The media really made her into a nuisance instead of a victim; but that is how they made headlines. Things are always twisted until the facts show up and prove a person's innocence.

The days to follow were going to be really interesting; this trial was more than just for Bethany, it was for every woman who has ever been beaten, slapped around, raped and even murdered. A lot of people hoped that this trial was justice for the injured. Judge Marquis McKavias entered the courtroom and made his opening statement. The judge made it clear that he was hearing the one case. The State felt that it would be better to separate the two cases because they happened on different occasions even though one took place in-lieu of the other.

"I better get off man, I have paid you a lot of money over the years" H.D. told his attorney.

Attorney Dilmark just shook his head side to side. H.D. would not give in and just be quiet, he whispered to him again.

"I have managed to pay off every cop and person over the years and I expect you to make this go away; do you hear me? I have business to attend too."

Attorney Dilmark motioned the judge and requested that he be removed from the case due to personal reasons. Judge McKavias asked the attorney's from each side to approach the bench.

"What is going on? Explain yourself."

Attorney Dilmark mentioned that his client was making ill remarks and threats; also that he was nervous and feared for his life. Judge Mckavias was unsure what was going on, but he told the attorney to get control of his client. The last thing he wanted to do was to hold them all in contempt of court for outbreaks of violence or disrespect in his courtroom. Dottie was subpoenaed in to the courthouse to testify which caused her to come out of hiding temporarily. As much as she wanted to help her girl Bethany out; she did not want any part of it. Bethany's attorney made sure that he used Dottie as a witness and argued that Dottie hiding showed that H.D. was indeed a man that struck fear and terror in people. The women on the jury gasped at the details Dottie spoke about concerning H.D. past and how he beat and hurt others that crossed him.

The trial went on for days that lead into weeks and finally after several weeks the jury was ready to make a verdict after hearing all the facts. The gruesome detail of the trail made Bethany sick and she relived the event all over again. She had been through so much and Orlando did not want to see her hurting anymore than she had too; he turned and looked away to avoid showing his pain. Everyone just wanted this to be over and to spare Bethany any more pain. She was stripped of her self-respect and her dignity was sneered at. The jury walked back into the courtroom.

"How do you find the defendant?' Judge McKavias asked.

The jury foreman stood and read the verdict.

"We the people of the jury find Heath Dwight Brown guilty of all charges."

Bethany fell back into her seat; her emotions shuddered through her body. Shortly afterwards she felt a sense of relief as she watched them take H.D. away in handcuffs. The sentencing for H.D. was in four weeks. A week after Orlando and the others had their day in court and were found not guilty and set free of charges. It was a hard decision because the evidence used in one case was also used in their case and if the evidence were to get lost or destroyed there would have been a lot more complication than expected.

Everyone was satisfied with the outcome they all went out and celebrated. It was a joyful time for the family and Bethany had a smile on her that shined through her pain. Three months later Winston and Ebony had that talk that she was effusive about. Winston laid out on the table a contract that was four pages in length; he asked Ebony to look over and sign if she was really interested in doing business. As Ebony read through the contract, tears formed in her eyes but she was not going to cry just yet. She was more than a manager; she was a managing partner. Ebony made plans to celebrate later that week with her family as she accepted the position.

Orlando was back to full health and in good condition according to his doctor; he was able to return to work fulltime with no restrictions. Orlando and Bethany had gotten really close to one another in that time he spent with her at her parent's home. What more could he ask for; he saw Bethany every day and he got a chance to work on his charm and flatter her parents. The Beauvais family had taken a liking to Orlando; they thought he was a great fit for their daughter life.

While everyone delightfully spoke about him and how glad they were to have him; Chester was still working on what was going on with this guy staying at his house. He had been watching how Bethany acted around him and how she was always giggling whenever he said something, even though half the time it was not funny. Chester thought his sister was sick in the head by the way she was acting. Over the weeks, he studied Orlando's behavior and figured out that the dude had a crush on his sister.

It was just a matter of time before Orlando had to leave the Beauvais home and get on with his life. He wanted to do something nice for them to show his appreciation. Orlando decided that he would miss dinner and go to the mall and pick up some items. Before he could get out the door, Chester was all over him and decided to tag along with him. Bethany had stayed back with her folks and talked out the living arrangement along with the bills she needed to pay for the apartment she was renting but not staying in. Chester and Orlando had went to many stores at the mall and Chester took notes on every one of them. Every time a bag was put into the car, he tried to peek inside of it.

Orlando stopped at one last store and told Chester to stay in the car. Chester looked through the window and watched until Orlando was out of sight. Chester rummaged through the biggest bag but he only found clothes and some CD's. Chester could only imagine what this dude was really up too. Finally Orlando came back out of the store and with a small bag. Once he got on the road heading back to the house, he told Chester that he had an important question to ask his family. Looking him over, Chester got curious.

"What do you want with my sister, man? I have been watching you and how you look at her" Chester shouted.

"I like your sister very much; now take it easy little man" Orlando said smiling.

Chester sat back in his seat and pouted for a minute as he gave him the evil eye.

"Are you in love with my sister?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Orlando asked/

Chester eyes got big and he sat up straight in the seat shaking his head up and down.

"Yes I am in love with her; but I want it to be a surprise until tomorrow. You cannot say anything until after dinner tomorrow night. Can we agree on that Chester?"

"It depends on what you are going to do" Chester said.

"I will tell you what little man; how about if I let you help me out. Will that help you to trust me?"

With a nod of the head and a smile on his face, Chester agreed to go along with what ever it was that Orlando was doing.

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