Chapter 9

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Mrs. Beauvais called her husband with the information she received from Dottie. Mr. Beauvais promptly got on the telephone and called his assistant Ebony Perdue to come into the shop and finish out today's business. When Ebony finally got to the shop Mr. Beauvais left a note with instructions for her to close down the shop at the end of the day.

"Listen Ebony, I have to go now, there is a lead on my daughter whereabouts; so can you please take care of things for me?"

"Sure Winston. Hey... take care okay and I hope your daughter is all right" she said trying not to sound worried.

"Thanks" he said as the door slamming behind him.

Ebony did not like the shop too quiet; she always felt that music was one of the contributing factors of bringing in customers. Ebony pushed the power button on and cranked up the volume; the music could be heard down the street by the neighboring businesses. She also baked some cinnamon rolls for the guests. Ebony saw people walking in the direction of the shop, so she went over to the door and encouraged them to come in. If there was anyone who could make business boom, it was Ebony. She had a knack for providing great customer service to the people.

"Move people, hurry up, and go... I must get to my daughter" he said honking his horn madly.

The tires on the Lexus burned against the road as he sped away.

"Dear God, I am calling on you to help strengthen me through this situation. I have always taught my children to pray and rely on you Father no matter the need. Please, let my daughter be all right."

Swerving from one lane to the other, Mr. Beauvais swept the town streets in matter of minutes.

"Deborah... Deborah... honey I am home" he ran from room to room in the house searching for his wife.

The Beauvais family was very wealthy, they had an 11-room house; it may have been too big for his family but they found ways of utilizing every inch of their home. The home had four bedrooms: the master bedroom and guest bedroom were downstairs on the main floor and the other two rooms were upstairs on the second level. All of the closets in the home were walk-ins. There were three full bathrooms: one on the second level, one on the first level, and one in the basement. In the front room towards the right was the kitchen for easy access when bringing in groceries. The kitchen was pure beauty and in the middle of the room was an island; it had a sink, six cabinet's doors on the bottom for storage and enough room on top to put anything that you wanted. In addition there was a stone dark brown splash earth tone tiles that softened the contrast of the Mahogany and White cabinets. Towards the left was the dining room that had a Mahogany Wood glass centered table-chair set that sat eight people and a china stand to match. The living room stretched from one side of the house to the other side, it was huge. Last, there was a finished basement with plenty of games and sitting room for guests. The back of the house had a beautiful patio. There were three table chair sets, all coordinated with the rose bushes. There were a total of seven sets of colored roses; all planted in a sort of way that resembled a rainbow.

After searching all over the house, he found his wife sitting outside on the patio porch talking to Dottie and a guy.

"Winston, honey I am glad you are here, this is Orlando a guy that Bethany met at the bar; Orlando was just telling me what happened to Bethany that night they met."

"Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?" he yelled.

"Winston, calm down. He doesn't know, he found the car all banged up; Bethany was unconscious and she was hurt."

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