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zuru woke up in the night and turned to his left.He wanted to see his precious reese,he had to make sure she was by his side.He opened his eyes and saw that reese wasn't by his side.He jumped up and realize a barrier was made around his bed.

lewich: you can stop wondering where reese went.

zuru directed his attention to lewich direction.She was sitting on a chair in a corner sipping on some tea.

zuru:what happened?

lewich: she has went to them.She said that she wanted this to stop.She said that she had to resolve this.She begged me to  do this.


He banged onto the barrier,the barrier barely budged.He got really pissed and let out his sharp long tips of his nails.He plunged into the barrier with his fingers and sliced it open.He charged towards lewich and grabbed onto her neck.He was in fury he was going to plunged his fingers into her neck when a small magic circle appeared on zuru's body.But he was too angey to notice anything and *bomb* an explosion caused zuru to fly backwards from lewich.It was mich and he ran to lewich's side.


zuru: I-I'm... sorry...I got over my head.I was too angry.

mich:what's with you guys anyway?

zuru: reese is gone...She has went to find them.The fallen angels.

At this moment, everyone else had heard the commotion and gathered at the bedroom. 


charles: reese...she's trying to put everything onto her own shoulders...

sebastian: question is, are we going to let her do as she likes?

june:....I don't know what you guys think...but...I am going to save her.

sebastian:if my june is going, than so am I.

zuru:everyone is going. I decided on that, but I can't be selfish. Can I?

levi: what are you talking?Of course its ok.

charles: um hm.um hm.

mich: count me and lewich in.


'why have you come alone?Are you not afraid of death?You have did twice.Do you want a 3rd time?Except this time, you won't get up again.I guarantee that.'

reese: I'm not going to talk rubbish with you augustin.I want this whole thing to stop.No chaos, no war, no wanting if hate.I want peace.

augustin: and on what terms can you argue with me?You have no chips.You are on my turf.The only thing you have is your courage.

reese: I am willing to give my life in exchange for the stop of this nonsense.

augustin:hahahaha....My aim is to destroy the majority of you demons.You think I will do as you say?

reese: than what do you want?

augustin: I have much interesting proposal.According to my subordinates, your friends are on their way here.So instead of gambling with your life, lets gamble with your friends.Especially when the authoratative tubile's next succesor is in question.Now how about that?If they win,I will stop.If they don't, than its a war between you and me.With other people's lives on the line.


'why my lord?' it was frin speaking, he is too a fallen angel.

augustin: you don't understand.I am not going to honour my promise to a demon.I am just taking this chance to eliminate our potential competitors. Levi the thousand slayer, mich the mass bomber, lewich the unorthodox witch. And we have our nobles, zuru tubile the next succesor of the tubile house and charles monte the one with a special ability.

frin: as expected of my lord.You calculate in every way.Than how about reese phantomhive?Are you going to kill her?

augustin:...she...I have a different plan for her.Make sure she stays here as a god guest.She is a chip I need.

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