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There was a huge amount of people ouside reese's house.They had banners, headbands, loudspeakers. They just sat outside her house shouting, 'phantomhive!!!killer!!! show yourself!!!'

zuru: don't go.

reese:I can't, they're in front of my house.

zuru:what if you they kill you?

reese: that I will take that chance.

levi:I'll go with you.

charles:yea, don't worry.

levi: you're not going, it's dangerous.

charles: but I don't want to get off your shoulder.

levi: charles...I can't afford to lose you.You have to listen to me this time.

mich: me and lewich will go too.

reese: you guys...nii-san, make sure no one gets out of the house.Especially zuru.

Sebastian: yes reese.Your wish is my command.

reese opens the big door faces the big crowd all by her own.Zuru and gang runs after reese but got blocked by sebastian. 'let us go!!' zuru shouted.

seabstian: I'm sorry I can't. I have to respect her wishes.


reese: what do you want? Having a peaceful demonstration outside my house.

Someone who wears a handband that says 'killer' on top of it stands out.He walks forward to her,he seems to be the leader of the peaceful demonstration.

'are you a half demon.'


'why should we believe you?' the crowd behind him shouted  'yea,yea,yea'  in unison.

reese: than why did you ask me a question when you know you will not believe me.

'because I want to give you a chance to persuade us.'

reese: so you are a resonable leader after all.Than will you believe me if I told you I did not kill them nor did I order them to be killed.I am framed.

'evidence.' the man asks. 'evidence,evidence!!!' the crowd roared.

reese: I don't have evidence.But I will ask you, what makes you believe that demons exist in the first place.Humans never believed that we existed for thousands of years.Even when I told people I am a half demon in the past, they would just laugh at me and say 'what are you talking about?There's no such things.They're just fairytales.'

'what does this have any link with anything?The news tell us all.The news provides us truth.Isn't what the news is for?'

'yea,yea,yea!!!' the crowed roared.

reese: and you don't find yourselves stupid?Not doubting a single thing someone tells.Just plainly believing.

'well it proved you are a half demon.That would just probably mean the rest is the truth.'

'yea,yea yea!!!!' the crowd shouted.

reese: it's not.You guys are too blinded to even see anything.You only believe what you want.

'than what is the truth?'

Reese: somebody orchastrated this

'why should we believe you??That could be an excuse.'

'yea!yea!yea!' the crowd shouted.

Reese:Than what do you want to do?Now that you have found that demons exist.

'kill them of course!!They destroy our kind, we destroy theirs.'

Reese: no!!There will only…

Suddenly an arrow came flying from nowhere and it shot through the center of her chest.She collapsed to the floor falling forward.Blood spilled and a pool was quickly formed.

'Reese!!!!!!'Zuru couldn't care much anymore, he crashed through the 2nd level window he was watching the whole event from.He ran to Reese's side.He picked up Reese gently and looked into her eyes. She was dazed,she looked exactly like when she took out her core to give his mother.Dead and emotionless eyes.Her center was exposed at her back, the core could be seen.It had a hole now,her core.

'Reese…don't die.'tears flowed.'Reese!!! lewich!!! Do something!!!' he screamed.

lewich was by his side already, 'bring her inside. I need to heal her immediately!!' Levi carried reese up bridal style and ran into the house with lewich.

zuru looked down to his hands,it was stained with blood. It was terrible. He stared into the humans' eyes.It striked fear. There was silence after the sudden happening of this incident. 'is this what you want?? War and blood spilled. Do you want your closed ones to die? Both sides will suffer!!'

the crowd couldn't rebut him at all.

'than what can we do??Your kind killed 6 of our kind!!'

'yea!yea!yea!' the crowd roared again.

zuru:I'll give you the demon that killed your kind.You are free to do anything with him.

'how do we know if he's not just a substitute to maybe cover for what you guys have done.'

'yea!yea!yea!' the crowd roared.

zuru:what stubborn humans.

Mich:That's enough isn't it? It doesn't really matter to you guys who really did it.You only want to vent your anger onto something. Even if you really want to find out who did it, this should stop now.If war really breaks out,people will really die.

Silence ran across the crowd.Everyone was in deep thought, slowly, little by little the humans receded.

black butler:reese phantomhiveWhere stories live. Discover now