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June: zuru!! Your father is has gone for war.Both sides are now standing opposite on each side on the 'Field Of Death'

zuru:whaat?!! He promised me he wouldn't cave in.

scarlet banged through the door panting heavily 'letter...father..' zuru hurridley opened the letter.

The letter wrote: Sorry zuru I have to break my promise.The demons have decided to go to war and they seem quite stubborn about it. They insisted on going to war even without me. As their past general, I cannot allow my brothers to die .Please forgive me.

zuru:tsk, nothing is going my way.Everyone, we're going to the Field Of Death.We are going to stop a war.


The atmosphere was serious and stiff.Both sides were ready to kill. Canons and guns,tanks and jets on the humans side.While on the demon's side, they also had their own weapons.

At this moment,a magic circle was formed in the middle between the 2 sides. It was zuru and gang. 'stop this immediately!!!' zuru shouted.

Jack(zuru's father):zuru....Don't stand in the way.You are going to get killed.

zuru: I am here to stop a war.

humans:get out of the way!!!

demons:get out!!!

zuru: for what purpose do you fight??

humans:to wipe your kind out of course!!!

demons: you trash!!!We will be the one who will take you guys out!!!

zuru: and why do you want to do that??

humans: to ensure we will never be harm by you guys again!!You monsters!!

demons: zuru!!get out of the way!!!Let us kill them!!(one said) Yea!!!(the rest roared)

Just like that the demons charged forward to the humans and the humans chrged forward to the demons.Meeting at a point,they killed each other violently.Zuru and his gang tried to stop as many as they could from fighting each other but they were too many.

levi:this is not getting very effective.

mich:we need something else.

lewich:a miracle you mean.arr!!!!

sebastian: you mean reese to be alive.

june: reese...where are you when we need you?

 zuru:Reese…I wish she is here too

Suddenly a black flame drew across the Field Of Death splitting the field exactly into half.Some people got burned by these black flames and retreated away from the flame.

'diminish.' a familiar voice said.The flames that caught on the people were gone.

zuru looked everywhere for where that voice came from.And he saw Reese on a hill.All attention was on her.

zuru:Reese…Lewich! Get me there.

In a flash of a teleportation,zuru and gang were right beside her.Zuru hugged her so tightly and didn't want to let her go. He looked into her eyes and carassed her face,he wanted to make sure reese was really there.Reese held onto his hand that was now caressing her face. 'I am real.'

zuru:Reese…don't. Don't. Leave me.Ever again.

He kissed her lips and passionately indulged himself into the kiss.Letting his tongue to do the job,twisting around with her tongue. He wanted to just continue on to her neck when Reese pushed him away gently.


'I'm here to stop a ridiculous act.We'll do that later.' she kissed onto his cheek. 'you idiots!!!What in the world can you acheive in this war?!!'

levi:hahaha…long time no see,pissed off Reese.

humans:the extermination of the loser of course!!

Reese: you…both of you!!! Idiots!!! I didn't expect for the phantomhive family to even participate this.I am utterly!!!utterly dissappointed in you!!Jill(one of the phantomhive branch head)!!! WAR PRODUCE HATE.WAR ACHIEVE SUFFERINGS OF BOTH SIDES NO MATTER WHO WINS.WAR DOES NOT MAKE SURE OF ANYTHING, EXCEPT THE DEATH OF YOUR COMRADES. So…question is why do you still do such a stupid thing.

Both sides sunk their heads guilty of what was happening. They knew what Reese said was right.

Reese: drop your weapons.

humans:no!!!What if the demons start attacking us than??

Reese: than whoever goes against what I say will die on my hands.Master jack,I need your support. Jill,you too.

Jack: put down your weapons. This war is over.

He puts down his own weapon and the rest of his own people did the same.Jill saw a compromise and did the same.Slowly everyone dropped their weapons.


black butler:reese phantomhiveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora