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Yet again, Rey had a restless night. But this time, it wasn't because of the extreme dreams she had been having. Thanks to Kylo Ren, she was more confused than ever. He had kissed her completely out of the blue. Or maybe it wasn't out of the blue. Rey didn't have experience in this type of thing, and even if she did, it was nowhere near enough to be able to tell the "signs" that came before something like that happened. So for now, it was safe to say that it was out of the blue, in Rey's opinion, at least.

She decided to get out of bed and walk around again, though this time, it would be just around her quarters. She didn't want a repeat of what had happened last time she had wandered around the base, especially not right now. Moments later, she found herself pacing back and forth, her head whirling with the thought of the day's occurrences still fresh and embedded in her mind. How was she going to face him tomorrow? Perhaps she could just stay in her quarters. She knew it wouldn't be effective for long, but it could be worth a shot.

Somehow, the movement calmed her down. She slowed her brisk walk to a leisurely one, unfolding her arms that had been keeping her warm while attempting to process her mind. It got cold on the base at night, after all. She recalled that if she meditated, she might even be able to calm herself down even more, so Rey sat herself down on the surprisingly always-clean floor and crossed her legs.

Deep breath in, deep breath out. The focus of meditation was to be able to feel the Force coursing throughout your veins and your whole body. If you could focus on that one sole objective for an extended amount of time, it would help you forget about everything else, at least for a while. Since the only people moving around the base and creating noise were the sentries, Rey had a much easier time with blocking out the noise and it made her meditation much more effective.

A knock at the door resounded throughout her quarters and jolted Rey out of her practice. She looked toward it, wondering if it had just been her imagination. Why would a stormtrooper be knocking at her door at this time of night? Rey waited, and sure enough, another knock followed the brief moment of silence. She stood up and walked over to the door which slid open at the motion of her stopping in front of it, revealing a conflicted-looking Kylo Ren. Rey's breath hitched in her throat for a moment.

Ren averted his eyes and looked down, as if he were ashamed. He stayed like that for a few seconds before he took a deep breath and looked squarely at Rey. "I apologize, . . . I hope I didn't wake you," he hesitated. It seemed that admitting his apology was still hard for him, and he looked away again. "I also . . . apologize . . . for what happened in the training room." Ren looked at Rey once more, searching her eyes for any kind of response. He wouldn't search through the Force for answers about her anymore except for training purposes. It did not feel right to him. Still, she was as blank faced as she was when he got there. Again, he took a breath and nodded to himself. "Well, that is all I had to say. I'll let you get back to your sleep now," he stated as he turned to leave, but a barely audible "wait," stopped him from going. He looked back at Rey, whose expression was not blank anymore.

"You don't need to apologize for it," she uttered somehow at a lower tone than before, yet Kylo Ren could still hear it. Moments of silence passed between them before either spoke.

"I don't understand," the man replied. "What do you mean?"

With a sigh, Rey spoke. "I mean, it wasn't like you meant any harm in it," she stated, though there was a hint of a question to it.

"No, of course not," Ren assured her.

At this, she nodded and contemplated his statement for a second. Rey leaned forward. She hesitated, but she gave Ren a quick kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, then," she whispered as she backed up and her door slid shut.

A Different Way : Reylo Fanfic (Rey X Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now