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"I don't know what you want from me. You've already taught me many things, there couldn't possibly be any more to teach me," Rey stated harshly as she sat down in a chair, huffing.

The two had been sparring until, once again, Kylo had struck her down. She had improved much, of course. That much was apparent. When she had first come to the new base and started training with Kylo, they lasted about two minutes before he defeated her. Now they were up to twenty.

"You have indeed improved a great deal, but there is always room for more improvement," Kylo Ren replied.

"I didn't think you were the mantra-type," the student remarked. "Just the invasive type," she added under her breath.

Although he hadn't heard it, the man had felt her jab through the force. Kylo unsheathed his lightsaber and held the tip up to her just as he had done so long ago on Takodana. "This is why you still need training. If you were more in tune with the force, you would've seen this coming and been able to deflect it."

Instead of being intimidated as she had then, she stood up to face him now. "Well, maybe I didn't want to defend myself. Did you think about that?" Rey knew she was acting childish, but she did not care. If he could act immature whenever he wanted to (and she had seen that happen), then why couldn't she do it as well every once in a while?

Slowly, her teacher inched closer to her, one step at a time. When Rey realized this, she backed up to try to keep the distance between them the same, though he kept walking towards her. "So if someone were to strike a blow against you that could potentially end your life, what would happen to you if you 'didn't want to defend yourself?'" Kylo countered as he sheathed his lightsaber.

Try as she might, Rey could not come up with a valid answer to his question. She attempted again but realized that she had run out of space to back up to. Unintentionally, she stopped against the wall of the training room, yet Kylo Ren was still advancing.

She frantically searched for words, anything. "I-I would be able to react fast enough if something like that were to happen. My reaction time has decreased since I began my training, you know that."

"No doubt about that. In association with fighting, at least," Kylo agreed. 

Rey had always thought he was more intimidating with his mask on than with it off. Now, she wasn't so sure of herself anymore. His scarred expression caused more anxiety for her than it would've if she had been staring at his mask instead, but they were both aware that it was long gone, swallowed up in the destruction of Starkiller Base. 

Rey could feel her heartbeat growing faster with every step closer he took towards her, as if she were anticipating something. But . . . anticipating what? An unexpected strike from his lightsaber? Yes, that must be it. She would show him that she was quick on her feet, and that she would be ready for his hit.

Suddenly, the words of his registered in her mind, and her face took on a confused expression. She looked up at her teacher, who was now directly in front of her, about two feet away. "I . . . I don't understand." 

"Rey," he spoke her name tentatively, as if testing it out. He placed his left hand on the wall behind her.  "Surely even you are aware that combat is not the only thing you can be trained in."

She was taken aback by this, and also a bit offended, if she had to be honest. Rey scoffed at his statement and leaned against the wall. "Of course I know that. I'm not that stu-,"

Kylo Ren had definitely produced an unexpected strike. But it was nowhere near what Rey had been mentally preparing herself for. She tried to make sense of things while her mind was spinning because the man clad in black had just pressed his mouth against hers. And he was still doing it. 

As much as she didn't want to, Rey found herself, what . . . enjoying this? His lips were inviting her to experience a new sensation she had never experienced before. Rey shut her eyes and decided to let it run its course. 

Gently, Kylo grasped her chin with his free hand, and Rey obliged, inclining her head to a more comfortable position for the pair of them. "Ben . . . ," she subtly whispered.

Promptly, Kylo Ren pulled back, the both of them looking at each other in surprise while catching their breath. "How do you know of that name?" He seethed.

At a loss for words, Rey stumbled in her sentence. "Ah . . . H-Han, he shouted it on Starkiller back then . . ." She realized as soon as she had said it that it was a mistake.

Trying to stay calm, Kylo raised one finger and pointed it at her. "Don't ever mention him or that name again." And with that, he stormed out of the training room, leaving Rey's gaze following after him before she slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, where she put her head in her hands to contemplate the event that had just taken place.

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