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"To the left!" Rey heard the gruff voice shout to her over the roar of the planet crumbling beneath them.

She followed his instruction, panting heavily. The last time she remembered running from her impending death like this was back on Jakku with . . . Finn. An overwhelming sense of guilt struck her, forcing her to slow her pace.

Ren quickly caught up with her, yelling, "Look alive! You'll die if you stop!"

The command jolted Rey back to reality as she suppressed her feelings. She would regard them at a later time when she wasn't on the verge of exploding. The black-clad man was in front of her now, and she was thankful that he was at least leading the way so she didn't have to follow his instructions blindly. But, something wasn't right.

"The base isn't this way!" She didn't know how she could tell, but she just knew. She would later recognize the feeling as the Force.

"We don't have enough time to make it to the base! There's a ship over here, covered strategically so that the Resistance would not find it, and would be a mean of escape, should the time have come that the First Order would need to use it. Well, obviously that time has come. No more questions!" He shouted back to her.

Sure enough, a lump loomed up in front of the two allies that would not have been noticeable from up above, just as Kylo Ren had said, and the two of them rushed on board.

Kylo, having had a bit of formal training in piloting, knew the gist of what he was doing. Rey took in the layout of her surroundings and quickly set to work, familiar with the setup from parts of other Republic and Empire ship remains back on Jakku. The male was pleasantly surprised, but contained his emotion thoroughly as he had learned to do after his years of training with Supreme Leader Snoke.

The engines roared to life as Rey yelled over to the man. "Where are we going?!"

"I'll be the judge of that, now sit down!" He shouted back to her.

She whirled around to face him and shot him a glare. "I'm more than certain I have more piloting experience than you do!"

"That doesn't matter. I know what I'm doing." Suddenly, the gravity in the ship pulled Rey down to the floor as the ship thrust upwards into the galaxy. She shot him another glare. "I told you to sit down," Kylo Ren mumbled under his breath.

A Different Way : Reylo Fanfic (Rey X Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now