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Restless images stirring. Opinions and more yelled at one another incoherently. Then, a cold and dark feeling of remorse, a tinge of bitterness, and just a bit of fear came to rest in the mind of the figure. Bits and pieces of words and conversations shifted around in the head.

". . . Can't do it."

" . . . Not strong enough,"

" . . . Will betray us . . . ,"

These were enough to make Rey sit straight up in her bed. It was easy to feel that she was covered in beads of sweat. One would expect that from such a nightmare. Though her quarters were dark and cold, Rey was burning up. She slowly lifted herself off of the bed. The girl began to pace her room, trying to forget the images that had conjured up in her mind mere moments ago.

Did she dare look at the clock, and wonder how much longer she had to go through the agony of nightmares tonight? Screw it, she thought. She glanced over at the clock. The numbers read a little past three. So, she'd been asleep for about three hours.

Sighing, she grabbed a sheer robe from the corner of her quarters. Even though she was wearing shorts and a tank for sleepwear, she would like to be a little more covered up if she were coming out of her room, which she was.

Rey tiptoed to her door and waited for it to open. Silently, it slid to the right of her, and she poked her head out of the safety of her room, checking if there was anyone in the vicinity. Other than the chatter of the troopers throughout the halls who were on night watch, she did not detect anyone else coming or going from her location, so she slipped out of the doorway.

Hugging herself so as to keep a little bit warmer, she walked down the corridor. She wasn't used to the cold. After living on Jakku for as long as she could remember, she hadn't been exposed to cold weather anytime recently. She wished she had brought a blanket or something to wrap around her shivering frame besides the thin robe.

She didn't know where her feet were taking her, but she kept walking until she subconsciously stopped outside of a door. It looked unfamiliar. She glanced around, looking for any indicator of where she was. With no luck, she determined she might've been lost, but she did not start panicking yet. 

I can just ask one of the troopers to show me back to my room, she thought. She turned toward the chatter of the stormtroopers, but a fshh sound made her glance back behind her. The door she had been standing in front of slid back to reveal a groggy Kylo Ren who was rubbing his eyes. Hoping he hadn't seen her, Rey tried to silently make her way over to the stormtroopers. 

"I hope you know that the Force allows me to sense one's presence without looking at them," came a low voice from behind her, barely audible. Yet, it made her stop in her tracks. Cringing, she spun around to face her teacher.

"Of course I knew that, I . . . just didn't want to disturb you," she replied, avoiding his gaze.

A moment of silence passed between them as Kylo contemplated his student. "Something is troubling you," he claimed.

Rey looked up at this, astonished that he could tell. The Force truly was an amazing thing. But this didn't stop her from getting upset. "I've told you to get out of my head once, before."

"I was not in your head. It's easy to tell from your facial expression that something has upset you."

She looked away, not wanting to talk about it to someone like him. 

Ren sighed and asked, "Well, what brings you here at this time of night? Surely you weren't hoping for comfort from me."

The scavenger could not tell if he was teasing her, or being serious. She decided to ignore his last statement. "I couldn't sleep. I was exploring the base and ended up here. I didn't know this was your room." After another moment of silence, she turned so that her back was facing her teacher. "It's nothing. I think I'll be alright if I just try to sleep again. I'll stop bothering you." She started walking back in the general direction of her room, or she thought she was, at least.

After she rounded a corner and was sure Ren could not see her anymore, she stopped walking and let her forehead lean gently against the wall. With a sigh, she thought to herself, This is going to be a long night.

Suddenly, Rey felt a source of warmth coming from behind her. She was about to turn around to find out who was there until she felt cool breath down her back. A gentle and unexpectedly familiar voice came from behind her, "You can't hide things from me. Not yet, anyway. Don't you remember what I told you on Starkiller?" Because of the unusual way the person behind her was acting, she could not be sure of who it was. Rey had an idea, but she didn't believe it. The next thing the person said confirmed her thoughts. "You. Need. A teacher."

Rey whirled around to face the man clothed in black. She didn't believe it. Somehow, right in front of her was none other than Kylo Ren. It didn't match up. This was a side of him she'd never seen before. He seemed . . . concerned for her? His expression showed concern, anyway. 

This is probably just a test. Then I'll prove him wrong, Rey thought. So she concentrated. She pushed him out of her mind, and tried to penetrate his own. As usual, there was a wall that could not be broken down. No figurative cracks in sight. She decided that she would work on that later. The girl opened her eyes and found that Kylo Ren was staring straight at her.

"You are my teacher, and only my teacher," she said, getting on the defensive again. "Don't pretend like you know what I'm going through!" With that, she stormed off, leaving a confused Kylo Ren staring after her.

A Different Way : Reylo Fanfic (Rey X Kylo Ren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang