«Chapter Three»

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After some time, the meeting died down and it was time to take their little plan into action.

Alfred and Francis would go to Arthur's home and find whoever this girl was while Kiku, Feli and Ludwig keep Arthur distracted and away from home. They forgot about Matthew so he just followed around to see what was happening.

"Where are you off to so soon?" Kiku asked Arthur as he packed his suitcase.

"Well, I'm off to go see someone special." Arthur smiled.

"Did you eat your biscotti yet?" Feli asked.

"Oh, my I guess I didn't. Alfred was wasting my time this morning so I never got a chance...wanker."

"Oh! Well we shouldn't let it go to a-waste!" Feli said as he gestured back to the table.

"Well if you'll join me then I won't be as lonely, thank you."

"Non è un problema!" He said happily as that now the plan could work.


"Dude, I haven't been over to Arthur's in FOREVER!" Alfred said.

"Me either, he doesn't like it when we come over...plus hasn't it been a couple years or so? Give or take." Francis replied.

"Woah dude you might be right..I just hope whoever this girl is is worth it."

"Same, but the real question is how long has he known her and why hasn't he told us anything?!?"


"Oh! Looks like we're here."

"Let the plan begin."

Alfred and Francis approached the house. It was a typical English townhouse, nothing fancy.


"I'm coming, Arthur!" (Y/n) called.

"She thinks we're Arthur?" Alfred asked.

"Well wouldn't he be getting home around this time?" Francis replied.

You walked up to the door and opened it.

"Hey Ar-...um...hi, there." You said, becoming quiet as you realized it wasn't your boyfriend but two blonde men.

"Hi! I'm Alfred, and this is-"

Francis cut him off.

"Francis.." He said while kissing your left hand while making a flirtatious smile.

You blushed.

"W-Well, it's nice to meet you!" You said while blushing still. "May I ask what brings you here?"

"Oh well, we work with Arthur!" Alfred said.

"YOU DO?!?" You said enthusiastically.

"Heh yeah, didn't you ever hear about us?" Alfred asked.

"NO! I mean..no. Arthur never tells me anything about his work or friends..." You said as you looked bummed out.

"Oh, I wonder why?" Francis asked. "Who would want to hide a lovely woman like yourself.." He winked.

You blushed and started to stutter again.

"Heh...PLEASE! Come in, we can have some tea." You offered.

"Sounds good!" Alfred said.

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