«Chapter Two»

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Arthur walked away from the crowd of country representatives over to the meeting table.

"Vell, I guess ve should get on vhit the meeting.." Ludwig said as he adjusted his jacket.

"Sì..." Feli replied.

"Wait, hold on, dudes!" Alfred yelled over.

"Vhat is it now, Alfred?" Ludwig questioned.

Alfred walked in closer in the crowd of representatives and pulled them together so Arthur couldn't hear.

"Don't you think we should find out who this "(your first initial)" chick is?" Alfred whispered.

"And invade the English's privacy?" Francis smiled.

"I don't think we should.." Kiko said.

"Aw~ but it's for LOVE!" Feli said with enthusiasm.

"I'm in!" Yao said.

"I'll help too, eh." Matthew whispered.

"Ludwig?" Feli asked.

"Mmm...fine. But if this vhole 'plan' fails, it's going on Alfred." Ludwig replied.

"ALRIGHT! Let's do this!" Alfred yelled.

"Do just what?" Arthur asked.

"ARTHUR! DUDE! You scared me there..." Alfred said.

"Right, anyway, what are you all doing?" Arthur asked.

"The meeting, silly~" Feli said while walking towards the meeting table.

"Oh, then let's get on with it." Arthur said, convinced.

The meeting finally started. Words were cussed, fists were thrown. Normal meeting. The only different thing was that while Arthur was talking (so basically the whole time), Alfred and the others involved with the little plan were passing notes about what to do. After awhile, the notes became less about what to do and more of whatever was on their minds about it.

Alfred and Francis were going back and forth talking about whoever this "(your first initial)" was and how they were (somehow) his roommate now. AND HOW SHE LOVED HIM.

"Alfred?" Arthur asked as he noticed the flying wads of paper.

"Yeah dude?"

"What's with the paper?"

"What paper?"

"Stop being a wanker about it and hand it over."

"Last time I checked, you weren't my teacher."

"Last time I checked, you weren't an ass-hat."

"Rude much?"

"Are we seriously going to argue? Just let me see it."

"I don't want you to."

"And why is that?"

"Well um...it's about-"

"GOT IT!" Sealand yelled as he held the paper in his hands.

"Wha- WHAT?!??" Alfred yelled in shock.

"Thank you" Arthur said as he took the paper and started reading it.

"Oh no..." Alfred said to Francis as he fell back in his chair.

Arthur read the paper note as Alfred and the others watched him, hoping for him not to get upset. He read it and then he smiled at the last question Francis said.

It said: "Do you think she's beautiful?"

The smile confused everyone but Arthur looked up and replied to it.

"She's beautiful." He said.

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