«Chapter One»

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It's been a little over two years that you have been dating Arthur and one year living with him in. However, you still did not know much about him. He knew you, inside and out. But, you didn't even know his family! All you knew about his job was that it was, "Government related" as he had told you time and time again. You haven't even met a single one of his friends! Did he even have friends? Probably! He's such a sweet guy and if you want to go somewhere in the relationship, then you actually have to know your partner. Right?
You woke up to the feeling of the sun hitting your soft (s/c) face. You turned over in your bed to see your boyfriend, Arthur. Even in his sleep he was handsome as ever.

"Arthur~" You cooed as you tapped his nose.

"Mmm...yes, (y/n)?" He said mumbly as he was waking up.

"Work?" You smiled


"Mmm...you're so cute..."

"And the same to you~ but for now, I have to get to that hell-hole." He said as he kissed your forehead and got out of bed.

As he was getting ready for work, you walked downstairs to the kitchen to make him some breakfast. You're actually quite a great cook too.

"Arthur~ you're going to be late!" You remind him from the kitchen.

"Coming, (y/n)!" He said back as he walked down the stairs, fiddling with his tie.

"Need some help?" You ask him

"Heh..well I'd hate to ask but-"

You cut him off by fixing the tie without him needing to finish.

"Thank you.." He blushed

"Mm...you're welcome..OH!" You ran back into the kitchen. "Here! I made you breakfast!" You smiled as you held the bag in the air.

"Well, thank you, (y/n). That was very sweet of you." He smiled

You started to turn back around to clean up your kitchen mess but you were stopped by a force spinning you back and then dipping you into a slow and passionate kiss.

"I love you too~..." You blushed
Then, at the UN:
"YO, ARTHUR! WHAT'S UP!" Alfred yelled over to him

'Stupid bloody wanker...' Arthur thought to himself.

"Good morning, Alfred."

"Wait...you can't cook...and you have...food?...HEY EVERYONE COME LOOK AT THIS!"

"Hon hon hon, well looks like the English boy finally took my advice and got some cooking lessons." Francis said

"Y-You can cook n-now?" Matthew whispered

"Vhat is going on? Ve have a meeting to get to." Ludwig said as he approached the crowd

"LOOK, Ludwig! Arthur a-finally learned to a-cook!" Feli said

"What will happen next?" Kiku said

"Whale whale whale, it is TRUE!" Yao said

"This is a strange day! Huh, Romano?" Antonio said

"Don't talk to me, bastard." Romano said crossing his arms

"Would you bloody twits shut up! We have a meeting to get to!" Arthur yelled.

"Biscotti?" Feli said questionably

"What?" Alfred asked

"Arthur, just what did you bring?" Yao asked

"Let me check..." He pulled it out of the bag "It looks like-"


"So you didn't make it?" Kiku asked

"Ha, I knew he couldn't cook!" Francis said.

"Want to go, frog face!?" Arthur replied back

"Still throwing those cheap insults?" Francis snarled back

"ENOUGH! Now, Feli, tell us vhat ever this "biscotti" is." Ludwig said

"Ooo, okay! Biscotti, known also as cantuccini, are Italian almond biscuits that originated in the city of Prato. They are twice-baked, oblong-shaped, dry, crunchy, and dipped in a drink- but wait...Arthur? Why Italian food and not English?" Feli asked as everyone turned to look at him

"None of your concern, I just decided to try it." He crossed his arms.

"Okay..." Feli said

"Where did you get it?" Alfred asked

Arthur stood there staring at the floor while the others waited for an answer.

"Arthur?" Yao asked

"Like I said, it's none of your concern." He said

"Oh hon hon hon~ Arthur?" Francis said


"Do you have a new roommate?" He said he said while smiling creepy like.

"Don't make that face at me, Frenchie!" Arthur blushed as he looked away.

"Woah, dude! No way! Really?!?" Alfred jumped

"That's great, eh" Matthew whispered

"Aw~ how sweet!" Feli replied

"It is..." Ludwig smiled

"Are you kidding?!? That's crazy!" Arthur said back while still blushing.

"Okay. Then if you don't then who is '(first name initial)' and why are they texting you saying, 'Damn! I forgot to give you the Vin Santo to go with the biscotti...I'm so sorry 😢 now your breakfast isn't as amazing as I was hoping it would be...please forgive me ❤️I love you~' " Francis asked while winking

"Hdksnslaisjsb" Arthur said randomly as his face went red

"Aww she's apologizing about wine~" Feli smiled

"Mmm...text her back 'va bene, ti amo troppo'...please" Arthur said while still blushing hard

"And what does that mean?" Francis asked

"Heh...it means he loves her..." Feli smiled

"WAIT! How are we so sure it's a 'she'?!?" Alfred said

Arthur walked up to Alfred and looked him in his eyes and said sternly, "Don't call her an 'it'..."

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