What's Your Name? - n.h.

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I was one of the girls chosen out of probably several million directioners to meet One Direction while they were on tour. I will get go to the concert and after go backstage to spend an hour with them. I went absoultly mad when I found out I won, but I promised myself that I wouldn't be one of those girls that continuously screamed. I would rather die then make a complete fool out of myself like that.

After the boys left the stage, me and four other girls were picked up from our seats by security and led backstage. I heard most of the girls losing it on our way to meet them, and I was surprised one of them didn't faint when we met the boys. I don't get how the boys deal with it. Girls screaming and acting crazy. If it was me, I would end up punching someone in the face.

I stayed behind because all of the other girls sprinted forward to meet them first. Then they started screaming, they were doing the exact opposite of what I was going to do. I just stood back patiently waiting for my turn to meet the boys.

I was completely lost in my own thoughts, I didn't notice someone standing next to me until they started talking. "What's your name?" someone with a Irish accent said. I turned to face his beautiful blue eyes, Niall Horan's eyes. 

"I'm Y/N. How are you?" I said, surprised I could even get a sentence out. 

"I'm awesome." he said laughing. "Aren't you supposed to ask for a picture?" he chuckled. 

"Probably, or I can just act like them and ask to touch your hair." I said smiling, shocked at how well I was doing at holding a conversation with him and even more shocked that he laughed at my little joke. 

"So how about that picture?" he said. 

I got out my phone and faced it towards us, "Ready?" I asked. I pressed the button and just as the picture was taken, I felt him press a kiss on my cheek. I was on the verge of fan-girling, but I kept my cool and thanked him for taking the picture.

Niall pulled his phone out of his pocket, "What's your twitter name?" he asked. I told him my name and he followed me. 

"Now it's my turn for a picture." he said. I could've died right then and there due to the fact that Niall from One Direction was flirting with me, a normal girl. I stood up on my toes to kiss his cheek and he snapped the picture. Afterwards, he led me around to meet the rest of the boys and sneaking cute pictures of me laughing. When it was time for us to leave he came over to me for the last time. "I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing a lot more of you," he said kissing my cheek again and I blushed. Security led us out of the room while the rest of the girls would talk and then look at me with death glares.

Later that night I went on Twitter and saw the picture of Niall and me, along with one of the pictures he took when I wasn't paying attention. Niall also sent me a DM on twitter asking if I would like to go out some time, and of course I said yes. That was the start to a very long and amazing relationship.


I hope you enjoyed! Keep reading for more Niall Imagines. You can request on my tumblr.

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