Payback Can Be A Bitch - n.h.

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My boyfriend, Niall, and I have had a prank war going on for the past couple weeks, and he got me really good yesterday. He got one of his friends to lend him some of her clothes, and he made a path of them all the way to our bedroom where he had the pillows making the shape of a person and then laid down on the bed next to it. He had me on the verge of tears. So now it's time for payback, and payback can be a bitch.

It was around New Year's Eve and there are fireworks for sale, so I bought 15 of the jumbo party poppers. When I got home I taped them to the door frame, tied the stings together, then tied them to the door handle. All that was left was to wait until Niall got home. After about ten minutes, I heard Niall pull into the driveway. I could hear his keys going into the lock and then the door unlocked. Then he turned the knob and opened the door. He dropped to the floor covering his head, because he thought someone was shooting at him. The best part was that I got it all on my phone. I sent the video to all the boys and put it up on Twitter. I know I'm going to be in big trouble with Niall the next time he pulls a prank.


Super short... I hope you enjoyed! Keep reading for more Niall Imagines. You can request on my tumblr!

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