the tranfer student 2

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I stood there gaping at him. He was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. He had slightly wavy floppy black hair, which fell to just below his ear. His skin was a lovely tanned olive colour, his lips were just the right shape, and his eyes, oh, his eyes.

They were large, with long, dark, heavy lashes. They were the most beautiful green colour. Not muddy green, or hazel green, but green green. The colour of the nicest grass, and- WHAT WAS I DOING? Mooning over some guys eyes. It wasn't the kind of thing I'd do. But I couldn't help it. He had that affect on me.

"Hey," He said in a silky, sexy, American voice.

"Um, Hi," I stammered, trying to appear nonchalant, but miserably failing. " you're Will, right?"

"That I am. And you must be Freya, Sophia's daughter." His smile was melting me.

"Yeah. Come in." I lead him into the house, and noticed that there was no one accompanying him.

"Where are your parents?" I asked him.

"America." At my questioning look, he smiled slightly. "Didn't bother to come over with me. Are you parents in?"

"No Dad and my mother's out at yoga." I rolled my eyes. "She won't be back till after ten."

"Oh, okay."

We went upstairs and into the spare room.

"Right, I'm guessing this is where you are staying."

He looked confused. "You guess? You don't know?"

"No, not really. I've known you were coming to stay for oh, about...." I consulted my watch, "30 minutes."

He looked surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah, my mother couldn't be bothered to tell me. Do you want me to leave you alone so you can unpack?"

He looked at me intently. "No, I actually want to get to know you. Sit down."

He patted the bed. I was shocked, but I sat down on it, cross legged, facing him.

"Um, okay, so what do you want to know?"

"Your father. You said you don't have one. Everyone has a Dad."

I said stubbornly, "Well, I don't."

"Okay. Do you want to talk about this Dad you don't have?" He was watching me intently.

I shrugged. "I guess. It isn't interesting or anything like that. Basically, my Dad was a jerk. My mum told him she was pregnant with me, and he was off like a shot. Gave my mother a lump of money, which pleased her no end."

"Is it hard, not having a Dad?" He asked me.

"Not really, no. I mean, I've never had one, so I don't really know any different."

But I did. I envied all my friends, because they had awesome Dads, kind ones. I wanted that. I wanted that so much.

I got up, suddenly, and strode towards the window. I intended this move to look graceful, but I ended up tripping on thin air. I righted myself, and turned bright red.

"Nice trip?" Will asked me casually, from the bed.

"Actually, for your information, I didn't trip, I was merely testing gravity, and yes, it still works." I really hoped I sounded witty, and not nervous and stupid, like I felt.

Will slowly stood up, and came across the room towards me. He stood really close, so that I could smell the deliciousness of him.

"You know what?" He said in a low, beautifully husky voice, "you're really different. I don't know what it is. Well, your clumsiness really stands out, but it's not that. I really like you, Freya. We're going to have a lot of fun, sharing a house together."

He was leaning towards me, his lips coming towards mine. My breathing came quicker, and I closed my eyes. I could feel his breath on my lips, and then-

* * * * *

Sorry! I'll try to do the next bit as soon as I can! Oh, and I'll try to get Pics of Will.

WickedLovely xxxxx

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