Chapter 4a - MONSTROUS - Girl Friday

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On one of our seventies trips to the loch I remember a particular visit to the Frank Searle Investigation.

He had an ability to sucker individuals and make them believe him. He also had a considerable sense of humour when he wanted to portray it. I recall that he had a sign on display at his exhibition which read "Girl Friday Wanted".

On one occasion I actually remember meeting one of these "Girl Fridays". How this ageing ex-commando (according to him) managed to "pull" such attractive girls, will always be a mystery, but pull them he did.

We had been chatting with Frank for a while when this long legged brunette strutted into the mêlée. Some pleasant conversation ensued, but when Frank left to disappear into his caravan, I clearly remember asking this particular Girl Friday if she had ever seen the monster.

She looked me square in the eyes and replied, "The only monster I've seen around here is Frank Searle."

[These anecdotes vary in length. Longer chapter due up shortly. Best to follow me to ensure you know when they've been uploaded.]

(C) 2018 Tony Harmsworth

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