16- Nothing At All

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“Oh my god!” I yelped loudly on Thursday afternoon once I got home and in my room to turn on my laptop. Nobody was around, because Todd and Owen and all of the guys were still downstairs eating my whole kitchen, only leaving the cupboards, which was why I was screeching so loudly, and I was seriously freaking out when I opened my email and saw this:

RE: Hello 

It was the subject to an unopened mail that I had received a few hours ago while I was at school. My mind started to race when I realized that my mom had actually emailed me back, or maybe it’s some stranger informing me that I have the wrong person. Either way, it was a response that I was incredibly nervous to actually read. I wasn’t sure what to expect at all. She could have been angry that I was contacting her or she could be telling me that I was a mistake or that she should have had me and Owen aborted. That would be pretty horrible to read from my mother, I thought, but I still had to read the email anyway, because I could be something good or, like I had suggested before- it could be the wrong Annie Watkins and she only emailed me back to tell me that.

I moved the curser to click on the email so that I could actually read what it said but then I didn’t actually push the button on my laptop for a long time as I just stared at the little bar informing me that it’s still unread. I stared at it for a pretty long time before I actually clicked on it with one last squeal of nerves. I got up and locked my door before returning to my laptop and actually reading the email because I knew that Todd was going to be coming in here soon and I didn’t want him to walk in on me reading this email because that would kind of ruin the whole secrecy thing I was pulling off with this contacting my mother thing.

Dear Dakota,

It is so nice to hear from you! I’ve always wanted to reach out to you and your brothers but I knew that your father would shut me down if I tried. I always think about you, Dakota, and I can’t believe that you’re all grown up now. I’ll start by answering our questions, because I would absolutely love to get to know you. If I’m doing my math correctly, you’re seventeen by now and for that, I realize that you’re almost an adult and I know that you deserve to know why I left, and maybe you will understand, but it’s not my place to tell you, it’s your father’s. I have felt awful about my decision to leave since the day I set foot on the airplane out of the U.S. though, I hope you know that. And as for your real questions, my art is going fantastic! I think it would be absolutely incredible if you came over here to see for yourself. It really is lovely here in France.

I don’t even know where to start about myself. I live just west of Paris in a nice house but I live there alone. I’ve dated through the years, but nothing too serious because I’ve been focusing on my art mainly. I’ve been opening up a lot of galleries as of late, which you probably know since you found my website, and it’s all really exciting for me.

Like I said before, I would love for you and your brothers to come and visit me- although I don’t think that Derek would consider it, but maybe talk to Owen for me? I know that your father wouldn’t approve of it, but maybe when you turn eighteen? I have plenty of room for you to stay and I have a maid and a personal chef (French chefs are the best chefs). I would really give anything to see you, Dakota, I bet you turned into a beautiful young woman. I’ll give you my address and ask that you send pictures? I would adore some pictures.

I have so much more to tell you, but right now I have tons of work to do. I’m opening a new gallery in July and I have tons of planning that still needs to be done. Maybe you can come to the premier? That would be just lovely, don’t you agree?

I hope to talk to you again soon,

A Bien Tot,
Annie Watkins

I was almost crying by the time I finished the email and I probably would have exploded into sentimental tears of joy if Todd didn’t knock on my door a few seconds later.

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