Talking Back

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''I speak my mind because it hurts to bite my tongue''

Nina since the beginning was alone, it was only her against the world. She didn't need to find her place in the world, she didn't want to. Nina already knew that she belonged nowhere, how can a revolutionist belong to a dogmatic world? Everything about her, from the dyed hair to her almost destroyed shoes, was what made her seem simply out of this world.

But it wasn't always that way. She can still recall the memory of a blonde little girl standing on the porch back home with tears in her eyes. The last tears she would cry, the last tears she let fall from her eyes. That moment she promised herself she wouldn't let anyone ever raise their voice at her or use her because she looked easy-manipulated or small. Her foster parents back then had already done that and she was sick of it. Nina knew of course that others had it a lot worse, that she was lucky they didn't hit her. But, words are bullets and they can hurt as well.  She would not forget the way they made her feel. Useless, unwanted, alone. After four years living with them enough was enough.

She can't remember much after that, only that two days after that she moved into a different house with a different family and that became her home until now. They were much nicer to her and she is grateful for having them in her life. She even has a sister with whom she can share clothes and shoes.

But she will never erase the memory of a broken childhood home. They made sure she never will.

So, when she started high school she was the one who stood up for those who couldn't even speak; the one who was just there defending the fallen. However, she was never been considered a threat because she was pretty and outgoing with the leader of the cheerleading team as a sister. The popular ones thought that she was fun to be around and a boy even called her 'cute' once when she stood up for the kid he was pushing around.

Nina didn't want  to shake her Popular label off. She wanted to find a way to use it, to show everyone that she might be popular because of her outgoing personality but she was there and she was about to change things. She was trying to find a way for months now until the opportunity came and knocked her door. It was that cloudy morning of a November that she was lucky enough to be at the gym on her free period where the infamous Bad Boy of the school stood up for a kid who was being bullied and then he saw no other than Calypso also known as The Golden Girl helping him.

''Holy mother fucker'' she whispered more to herself.

''What?'' she heard Ajay's concerned voice ''What happened?''

''I have a brilliant idea'' she shouted and people around them stared at them stangely.

''No'' said Ajay and shook his head ''No, the last time you said that we found ourselves locked up at a police station''

He turned his back at her and made a try to escape but she blocked him and put her hands on her best friend's chest. She looked at him with a mischiveous smile and he just kept shaking his head.

''N-no....NO, no, no!'' he repeated ''Don't look at me like that and don't smile like that either. It's creepy''

She just laughed because she had no idea what Ajay had said to her. She was thinking faster than anyone in that gym forming piece by piece her masterplan.

''I got it!'' she screamed happily ''I know how to change things''

''Not, that again''

''Yes, that again''

''I've heard your ideas before and the answer is no''he  says disapprovingly .

''Yeah, but this time I have a plan'' Nina said and he laughed like she said the most ridiculous thing in the whole world.

''You never have a plan''

''Now I do''

Ajar stared at Nina for a second studying her and the curosity in his eyes was clear. He then looked up and placed his hands behind his head.

''I can't believe I am saying this'' he said and made eye contact with her looking worried as ever ''But tell me''

''Yes'' Nina exclaim happily ''Tell me Ajar what would happen if you and I and some really popular kids and some really un-popular kids decided to actually change something? I mean there comes a time when it's time to stand up, to talk back.''

''You are insane'' he said but Nina xould see his thin lips forming a smile.

''It's about damn time for somebody to do something.'' She exhale frustrated .

''And how do you know this time is now?''

''Because somebody stood up when they didn't had to'' was the aswer he got and it was enough to silence him ''You see, you realise that people are ready when the kids who are being bullied are not that quiet anymore, when the people who usually ignore everything have angry expressions on their faced. When somebody like you or me notices that and turns the spark into fire''

''And how are we supposed to do that?'' he asked and put his arm around me smiling satisfied.

''First, we are going to talk to Elmar''

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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