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''Just breathing can be such a luxury sometimes''

For Calypso, sometimes breathing is hard. Not because she is a professional swimmer and  not because she spends too much time underwater practicing her skills either. Breathing for her is usually hard when she is out of the water; that's when she feels like she is drowning.

''And why is that Miss Noel?'' the motonous voice of her therapist echoed in the room.

She looked around her as if the answers were written on the spectacular paintings of the enormous imposing room. Unfortunately, all the fascinating embelishment and the heavy lighting of Mr. Sargent's office only made her dissy.

''You've been around water how many years excactly?'' Mr Sargent insisted on making a conversation about her past even though she completely ignored his previous questions.

''Since I moved here'' she said in a steady tone ''About six years, when I was ten'' That was an easy question to answer without feeling nervous or like that man is digging deep into her soul for answers she doesn't want to give.

''And how long have you felt drowing?'' he asked and balanced his black glasses on his crooked nose.

After a long period of silence and receiving no answer from Calypso he breathed heavily trying to control his anger. Calypso could understand what he was feeling like. One of the best therapists in Florida after four sessions couldn't figure out what was wrong with a teenager; it was kind of pathetic.

But she didn't blame him. Why would he be able to understand? His other juvenille clients probably were being bullied or something as ordinary and mundane as that. And he usually treated them with fancy words about how they 'are better than their bullies' and how 'it's just two more years'. He didn't even know how someone feels when he is about to give up or how motivation really works. Motivation isn't big fancy words or heartbreaking speaches. Motivation is acts; it's a message strong enough to drives one person to do something about their miserable life.

The boring session ended there and it was something no one was allowed to know that it happened. That's why she wore sunglasses and a hoodie to cover her face when her mother came to pick her up and that's why she was  told to not say anything about it; not even her best friend.

Calypso was labeled as the Golden Girl. She was the Captain of the swimming team and she was working really hard to get scholarships for the best colleges in the country in order to make her goal come true and become member of a professional swimming team. She was a straight-A student and every teacher loved her; she was one of the most popular girls and everyone had something good to say about her. With her mother being a lawyer and her father a successful bussinessman nothing could go wrong in her life.

But it did.

You see, Calypso was supposed to be great not sad and depressed. She was supposed to make everyone proud just by breathing not finding difficulty in breathing in general. She was supposed to be many things that she felt she couldn't.

That's when her breathing problem started.



Well, I hope you like the first part because another one is coming up soooon :)

VOte and Comment :)...Feedback is appreciated <3


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