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''Some dance to remember, some dance to forget''

Percy always wanted one thing, one little thing that wasn't 'supposed' to be given to him because he was a boy. He wanted for once in his life to dance out, loud and proud without having to worry if the next day people in school would beat him up. He desperately desired to look into his father's eyes and see him proud and not disappointed by what he wanted to accomplish.

One day a few years ago his mother without his father's permission took him to a dance school and he attended his first modern dance lesson. That moment Percy Connell felt alive and he decided that he would let nobody take that away from him even if it meant taking beatings from bullies. And as the years passed he only turned out better and better at what he was doing.

All that time he thought of dancing only as a hobby because he wasn't allowed to think of it as something else. But just a few days ago three letters arrived saying that he was able to attend Dance And Movement Studies because he had been accepted by the top three colleges for dance in the state. For this, he earned a big black eye but that didn't stop him from smiling brightly.

In two months he would be allowed to go wherever he wanted because in two months he would be free.

''Hey queer, catch the ball'' a voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he felt a sarp pain at his left side.

He looked up and saw Connor Evans, one of his bullies looking angry as ever because he didn't let the pain show when Connor threw the ball at him. He looked like he was about to attack him but Percy wasn't afraid for many reasons. Firstly, the coach was just a few meters away and secondly it wasn't something new to him or something he coudn't handle.

''I am talking to you fag!'' Connor shouted in his face but he did not touch him. His pupils had become bigger and he clenched his jaw.

''My name is Percy'' he said with a steady voice ''But I cant't expect you to remember me when your IQ is lower than that of a goldfish''

Percy knew he shouldn't be sarcastic around his bullies but in two months he would be free and long gone, away from that place so what was life without a little fighting back? Those words may have earned him a punch right in the jaw but they were totally worth it.

The next second he was lying on the ground and he felt multiple kicks on his ribs. He didn't think of the pain he felt that moment, he only thought that he wouldn't be able to stretch at his next dance lesson.

He was caught by surprise when the pain suddenly stopped sooner that it should and he was able to open his eyes. He looked around and saw his classmates surrounding him and coach scolding lighting Connor.

That scene wasn't really different from all the others, everyday at school except one thing.  What was different this time was that Connor's left eye was red and swollen; he looked about to cry. Percy knew that couch Smith couldn't have hit him because he was a teahcer and was always happy to see someone discriminating against the Gay Kid.

He searched in the crowd for someone who could have done such thing and saw him. There he stood, Achilleas Elmar in all his glory. He wore his usual black, Bad-Boy outfit and he was looking sarpest than ever. He looked about to kill a whole army and then eat pancakes for breakfast.

''Unbeliavable Mr. Elmar I didn't expect that kind of behavior from you. I thought you and Connor were friends. Now we have to take Mr. Evans to the infirmary immediately'' coach said in a worried tone and I couldn't help but laugh at his ignorance.

''Sorry but I don't bully people. I am not a piece of shit like him''

''Yeah, you are worse. You are a fucking mother...-'' Connor didn't even finish his phrase because Elmar attacked him once more.

Percy started to feel dizzy and numb, like his soul was slowly leaving his body. All he wanted to do is sleep.

''Percy, percy keep your eyes open. I will take you to the infirmancy'' he heard a gentle voice and blue eyes were the last thing he saw before he fell into the darkness.


He woke up and his gaze met once more a pair of bright blue eyes. He knew to whom they belonged these eyes along with the long, wavy blonde hair.

''Hello Calypso'' he smiled brightly at her but she just looked at him sadly.

''How many times does this has to happen Percy until you get it into your head?'' she looked as if she was about to cry ''Things will never change, stop trying to make them''

The smile on Percy's face faded and he felt anger burning his insides.

''I thought you were on my side''

''I am!'' she defended herself ''But that is the second time this month that I have to treat your wounds and I just can't...-''

''You can't do it anymore?'' Percy interrupted her diappointed and the moment words came out of his mouth he saw a spark in Calypso's eyes and the sad look faded; it was quickly replaced by a determinated one.

''Don't you ever  say that again'' she looked straight into his eyes ''I just can't look at you every damn morning without wanting to talk to you in public, I can't keep being just another face in the crowd when I can help you, stand up for you. I can't...-''

''Calypso we have talked about this. You are made for great things and hanging out with me will destroy that. That's why we are friends like that.'' Percy said bitterly ''Even the fact that some people saw you helping me today will cause a fuss''

''I know Percy'' she held his hand and looked at him sincerely ''But this'' she pointed at their hands ''is even greater''

Percy didn't reply, he said nothing at all. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth he would ask her to give up everything just to be his friend with people knowing and that was something Percy wouldn't do. But on the other side of the coin, even a stranger stood up for him today. Maybe it was time for things to change.

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