I mess up everything i touch

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I ruin the ground beneath my feet crumpling the grass.
Everything I love will die and so will my a**.
Her hand when you hold it remind yourself you'll ruin her too.
You're scaring her away don't think you're safe until it's through
The cats you love aren't as infinite as you joke
The brothers you love aren't as eternal as you hope.
your friends your love are all going to turn to ash and smoke
And it's because you touched them with your ruinous flame.
You're a freaking joke thinking you can live as as you like
When you know that this breath just might
your parents are sad
everyone is sad
they all exclaim their yearning for death
you don't want to die but if they all leave what else is left
if everyone else is dead then you'll be next
you're ruining everything you touch.
Impromptu depressing as frick poem oh well Adios mi amigos till next time mhm

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