Ignorance is bliss.

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Ignorance is bliss they say.

Then why, why do I feel this way?

I am left out.

I don't know a thing.

My only friend is a person, named pain.

Sometimes she is visible in the obvious way.

Sometimes she's gone, leaving me in the rain.

SOMETIMES ignorance is bliss is what they should say.

Because if I knew a name for what I felt.

I wouldn't be feeling this way.

I blame pain for pushing me into the dark.

But really, she is a part of me.

So no, I would not say ignorance is bliss.

Because you never know this.

When you become to numb to shake off the pain.

The loneliness forms into inevitable strain.

Ask again why the tears still shed.

Because a girl named ignorance.

Is my friend.


Some of these are actually just chopped up versions of songs I've written.

You'll know it used to be a song by its length... okey then I'm also sorry for spamming with updates suddenly. I am just trying to get in some work before I go back to school tomorrow. Soz bye!

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