Chapter 25

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On Sunday morning, Xavier and I woke up bright and early. It was the day that Xavier was finally going to let Liam, Mark, and Connor visit him in the hospital. Mr. Jacobs, Josh, and Brayson decided that they were going to leave so that the other boys could spend more time with Xavier sense they haven't seen him in two or three weeks. I was going to go to, but Xavier was nervous about being completely alone with the guys and requested that I stayed with him. And since all of us were to in love with the boy, none of us could tell him that I had to leave.

Xavier and I got dressed together. I decided to wear a pair of short black shorts and the shirt that I wore the day that I met Xavier. Xavier was wearing the exact outfit he wore the day we met. I know, the shirts say that we are looking for each other, but oh well. 

Around ten o'clock that morning, the three boys arrived. As soon as they entered the hospital room you could feel how excited they were to be there. The atmosphere had gone from gloomy and nervous, to shiney and excited. 

They took turns hugging Xavier and complimenting him on his nice and bald head. They were joking around for the first twenty minutes. It was just like when they used to hang out every day. 

But then, everything turned really serious really fast. 

Connor had asked Xavier how treatment was going and Xavier broke down.

I had never ever seen him cry the way he was.

"Xavier." I asked. "Are you okay?"

All he did was shake his head in response.

 "What's wrong?" I asked hugging him tightly to my chest.

"It just hit me like a ton of freaking bricks that I have been a douche bag! I could be dying right now and all I have been doing is pushing my best friends away! I don't know what they even want to be around me! I just feel like a complete monster!" Xavier was sobbing.

"Honey. Your friends are right there next to you. Maybe you should ask them yourselves. I don't think that they ever thought that you were being a monster." I whispered in his ear. 

"Zaves you really need to calm down. None of us have anything against you. We sort of understand why you were pushing us all away. Bro you are still one of our best friends and we would do anything for you." Connor told Xavier. 

"Yeah man. I mean sure at first we were a little jealous because you let Brayson and Josh visit you, but not us. Then we realized that you had a completely understandable reason. We would never be mad at you for something like this. We know that it has to be hard on you to be going through all these changes, but we would never ever leave your side. You are basically our brother." Liam smiled.

"I am going to be honest here and say that I completely agree with these two boys. You are a big part of our lives and we could never leave you. We would probably be completely lost without you." Mark spoke last.

"See babe. I told you that they wouldn't be mad." I paused "But I have one thing to say. You are not dying. Please don't ever say that again."


That was how the rest of the day with the guys went. Everything got better. They even decided that they were going to plan up a visitation schedule. 

Sense it was summer, we didn't have school. Plus Kayden, Jimmy, and Tyler were still in town and demanding to meet my new boyfriend. They kept saying that they wanted to make sure that he wasn't anything like Mikey.

So. Xavier talked me into letting the three boys come meet him... At the same time.

There I was on Monday afternoon. Waiting on my three brothers to arrive at the hospital. I was nervous you could say, my brothers had a tendency to talk a little bit too much at times. I didn't want them to hurt Xavier's feelings any sense he has been really hard on himself lately.

My brothers had finally arrived at the hospital around two in the afternoon. They had brought us Olive Garden for lunch. 

"Hey little sister." Kayden greeted while walking through the door with an amazing smelling paper bag full of our lunch.

"Hey Kayden." I smiled nervously while sitting on the end of the hospital bed.

"Lille My Beariee!" Tyler yelled walking through the door with two more of the paper bags full of yumminess.

"Oh God.." I started to shake my head and cover my face with my hands.

They were in an embarassing mood.

"I brought condoms!!" Jimmy screamed while walking in the door.

"You idiot!" I jumped off the bed and smacked him on the forehead. "You can't yell like that! You're in a hospital. Not to mention, why the hell would we need condoms?!"

"Wait, have you guys ever done it?" Kayden asked from a chair across the room.

"No." Xavier and I answered at the same time.

"But you guys have been together for like, the whole time Lillie has moved here." Tyler piped back into the mortifying conversation.

"Oh my God." I whispered to myself.

"And I know for a fact that you have had countless sleepovers." Jimmy laughed while sitting four two liters of soda on the floor.

"Yeah well I've learned from a few mistakes. So has Xavier. We are waiting and I am not a whore like you idiots." I snapped before sitting back on the bed.

"Are you going to introduce me to your brothers?" Xavier smiled and rubbed his hand down my back really softly.

"I'm Kayden!" Kayden jumped up from his chair with a breadstick hanging out of his mouth.

"My name is Tyler." Tyler did a weird little dance.

"I'm Jimmy!!!" Jimmy yelled before throwing a handful of condoms at me.

I jumped up off the bed and kicked him in the shin, making him fall to the floor in pain.

"Evil, evil little monster." Jimmy mumbled.

"Hey she could have kicked you in the balls." Kayden piped up.

"But I want kids."

"Then I would suggest being nice." I snapped.

I could already tell this was going to be an interesting day..

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