Chapter 19

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Josh and I ran to my bedroom. We could hear Xavier getting sick as soon as we walked through the door. I walked to the bathroom. 

"Babe. I need to know your password." I say really quietly.

"Our initials." He manages out right before laying his head on the bathtub. 

I typed the numbers of our initials and his phone unlocks. I opened his contacts and found his dad's name. I pressed call. Then realized this will only be the second time I've talked to Xavier's dad.

The phone rang once before Mr. Jacobs answered the phone. "Xavier. Hello!" His dad sounds so excited to here from his only child. 

"Sorry Mr. Jacobs. It's Lillie. Xaviers' girlfriend. I am calling because Xavier was at my house today and he got sick. He's been getting sick off and on for almost twenty minutes. He thinks something is wrong and asked me to call. I think something might be really wrong as well. Is there anything that you want us to do? Or should I just drive him to the hospital?" I said everything  fast and scared.

"Lillie Girl. Calm down dear. I'm sure it's just the flu or something. But if he's getting that sick, I need you to find a way to get to the hospital. Tell Zaver that I will leave tonight and try to be home by morning. Okay?" Mr. Jacobs said calmly. 

"Yes sir." I responded with a break in my voice.

"Stay calm. I will be home as fast as I can." He said "Goodbye Lille. Please tell my son that I love him."

 "Are you okay for now Xavier?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think I'm good for a while. Do you guys have an extra toothbrush though. This shit tastes horrible." He grumbles standing up and flushing the toilet. 

"Lillie. Did you get Xavier pregnant?" Josh joked, obviously trying to calm me down before I had an anxiety attack.

 "You have to have sex in order to get pregnant Josh." Xavier gasped a little while putting his hands on the edge of my bathroom counter. "And, much unlike you, Lillie and I decided to wait. So no, Josh, I am not pregnant. Just fucking sick." 

"Okay Josh. Why don't you go back to Bri. I've got this under control now." I said kneeling down between Josh and the cabinet under my sink. "Babe, please do not puke on me while I look for this toothbrush."

"Toliet's right there babe. I think I can manage it." Xavier forced a small smile while he leaned his head down closer to me. "I would kiss you but I don't know if I'm contagious or not."

"I don't care if you are. If you want to kiss me, kiss me." I said looking through the drawer until I find a purple and pink toothbrush. "Um. This is the only other toothbrush I have at the moment."

"Hey if it gets the taste of this nasty stuff out of my mouth, then I don't care if it looks like Oscar the Grouch." 

Xavier brushed his teeth, but he had a hard time standing straight up, so he kept  gripping on the counter. When he finished brushing his teeth, I grabbed his back pack and helped him down the stairs. I didn't expect to be taking my boyfriend to the hospital on my last day of Junior Year.

I helped Xavier get into the passenger seat of his Hummer. Then I moved to get into the drivers' seat. 

"Tell me if you need me to pull over." I said.

The hospital was about 15 miles away from Brayson's house, so there was a good chance that he could end up sick again in that 15 minutes.

"Yes m'am." He said his face starting to get pale "Don't move yet.." He opened his car door and hurled all down our driveway.

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