Chapter 3

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Xavier hugged me until I had calmed down, and then he was nice enough to wipe the small amount of makeup that had smeared under my eyes. I was kind of shocked by how nice he was being to me, I mean he barely knew me.

Xavier walked me back inside the house with his arm around my waist. When we walked into the living room, we saw Brayson looking at Mark and Josh with some kind of evil look in his eyes. He was obviously pissed off about something, which was kind of surprising since it takes a lot to piss him off.

The living room looked like a tornado had run through it. The couch cushions and pillows were thrown all across the room. The fan and the lamp had been knocked over and the TV was rocking dangerously on it's stand.

Xavier and I exchanged a look. It took a couple of minutes before the three guys noticed us standing in the doorway.

"Mark. You have three seconds to either apologize or get out of my house." Brayson looked Mark in the eye.

"Look. I'm sorry for hurting your poor little girl feelings. I didn't realize that you were the girl who just lost her parents." Mark says looking me in the eyes.

Wow. Some apology. Seems so sincere, right? Not.

"It's fine." I say with a slightly hoarse voice.

"You still have another thing to apologize for." Josh basically growls at him.

"Calm down Josh. It's not really that big of a deal." I smiled a small at Josh. It was nice to have him being protective, but he was overdoing it a little. I just got there, I didn't really want somebody hating me already. I wanted like to make it at least until I started school.

"No. Let Mark apologize. He needs to. I mean, let's face it, he was being a dick." Xavier told me with his arm still around my waist.

"I'm sorry if what I said offended you in any way." Mark looked at me again. "I don't always realize what I'm saying."

Now that was a better apology.

"Now Josh and Mark have some cleaning up to do. Xavier and Lillie, do you think you could run to the store for me? I think I should stay and keep an eye on these two." Brayson looked at us with hope filled eyes.

"Yeah. I'm down as long as Lillie is." Xavier smiled and pulled his car keys out of his pocket.

"I'll go." I smiled at my big brother.

I watched Brayson give Xavier some money and a list of what he needs, then he handed me twenty dollars.

I gave him a look silently asking him why.

He leans over and whispers "Pistachios. Please? I'll share."

"Okay fatty." I laughed shoving the money in my pocket.

Xavier lead me outside to a  silver mini van. Not exactly what I was expecting a guy like him to drive. Just seems like it's a little weird for such a beautiful guy to be driving a mini van.

"Really? A mini van?" I giggle as he opens the passenger door for me.

"I actually have a Cadillac. But my dad is using it to impress some lady. For now I'm driving the van.. At least until he gets me a different Cadillac." Xavier explained.

Yeah. I could see him driving a Cadillac. 

"Awe look at the sweet son sharing with his daddy. So cute." I joked trying to make myself laugh a little instead of be depressed.

"What can I say?" He winked " I'm a nice guy."

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face as I climbed in.

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