A TV show you watch together

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Niall : The Walking Dead

He may not be completely happy with you gawking at Norman Reedus but all eyes are always glues to the TV.

Harry: Vampire Diaries

At first he had the same first thought as you. Isn't this a bit Twilighty? Over the series, however, you can't wait to watch the next episode. Besides, Twilight doesn't have Ian Someholder!

Zayn: Glee

He goes on and on about how he hates this show, but as soon as it's on there he is sitting right next to each other singing away. He even shed a tear when watching the Cory episode. (I bawled my eyes out!!!)

Louis: Super Natural

Basically... Louis has kind of a man crush on Dean. Somewhere in the middle of the show you get into an argument about who would be better in bed with him. Always ends in laughs though.

Liam: Doctor Who

Does it really need to be said? Time travel. Hot Companions. The monsters. THE DOCTOR!!


I am still planning on making some longer Preferences but I thought I would ease you in with this one which is slightly longer than my recent ones! Vote



And all that jazz.

See ya soon my Nuggets!!

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