But Is It The End?

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Entering a brightly lit room Dalton went in first sitting back down in a comfy looking chair. A glass door lead inside a glass chamber. Nathan directed her inside the glass chamber where two stools were placed, he closed the door behind him. "This is a sound proof chamber, I will be asking you some questions which will determine if you're ready or not."

"Ready for what?"

"Question one: Would you ever consider being part of D.E.M.O.N?"

"Yes I guess." He wrote down something on the clip-board provided on the counter.

"Question two: Would you be my girlfriend?" He looked up at her with hooded eyes, Jane smiled.

"What does that have to do with being an agent?" Nathan shrugged. "Yes." He smiled and leaned over to kiss her. "Hey, hey keep it professional."

"Is that a yes on being an agent here?"

"Yes." He looked over at Dalton giving him a thumbs up, he just nodded his head and let Nathan and Jane out of the closed room. A flash of light blinded her as she came out, the demon showed her the camera.

"New file photo." She looked at the awful picture. "Welcome to D.E.M.O.N my queen, Nathan will show you to your living quarters." Jane followed Nathan out to the hallway, behind them Mercury. She caught up and grabbed on to Jane's hand.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Jane turned to Nathan then to Mercury.

"Yes, do you approve?"

"I've been working with him for four years, I think I approve." Nathan smiled at Mercury then kissed Jane on the cheek. Entering the living quarters, a large bed in the center of two bedside tables a lamp lit up the dark room, no windows let in light. Jane sat down on the bed, beside her Nathan and Mercury sat.

"Tell me about D.E.M.O.N." Jane said putting her head back on the white pillow.

"Well for over thirty years we've been trying to capture your mother." Nathan began. "Joselin has escaped more times than any of us can count, she has been running for as long as we can remember." Jane looked back and forth between her lover and her sister.

"And you guys work here?"

"Yeah, we've been trying to catch Joselin and foil her plan." Mercury said laying down beside her sister.


"Well mom has been putting bombs in all the buildings that could have the secrets in them."


"She has been searching and—" A knock on the door interrupted Mercury, Nathan stood opening the door, behind it stood Ricardo.

"Sir, Dalton has requested your service bring the new one too." Nathan turned to Jane, motioning for her to walk over to him. Mercury followed close behind, Ricardo met eyes with Mercury and blushed slightly.

"Nathan, Jane, Dalton would like to see you." They followed the stocky Latino man. Walking down the corridor they had come up from they entered Headquarters, the people that worked there no longer calm walking around the large globe in the middle carrying papers, showing them to others around them. Dalton watched the office unravel from his secluded glass chamber.

They entered the office, Dalton turned to the group. "Thank you for joining me, we have discovered that Joselin has taken some government papers from the House of Congress, she has taken them back to her lab in London, and I need Nathan and Jane to retrieve them for, not only me but the government."

"We won't let you down sir." Nathan saluted him and took Janes hand walking out of the office with her. Mercury and Dalton stayed in his office.

"Now for you two youngsters—"

"I'm one-hundred sixteen, I'm no youngster." Protested Mercury.

"Yeah sir, excuse my manners but I'm one-hundred eighteen."

"Shut up both of you—all of your voices give minor heart failure." Dalton sat and looked at the two teens. "I have a special mission for the both of you." Mercury stood up straight like a golden retriever awaiting a treat. "As you know we have been searching for Daniel Carlson and the rest of the people that were at the beach house in Barcelona. They have been tracked out to a secluded island on the coast of the United Kingdom. I need you to retrieve them and then find Joselin and tell her to stop stealing the governments papers." Ricardo and Mercury stayed quiet, she finally spoke up.

"Dalton, as I said before, she is a powerful woman, we are not some little kids on the playground tattletaling on the bully hogging the slide—we are agents of D.E.M.O.N that have no issue assassinating whoever gets in our way." Dalton seemed surprised at the sudden outburst.

"What do you suggest we do?"

"I've been saving this for a special mission." She reached in her back pocket taking out a crumpled piece of beige paper. Straightening it out on Dalton's desk she looked up at him. "It's time to get off our asses and come up with a real plan to get my father back from the U.K, also help my sister and Nathan get the government archives even if it means we all die."

"So what is your plan youngster?"

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