P.S See You In Hell

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She looked at the letter, the letter he had written so long ago, she sighed and wiped a tear from her face:

Dearest Jane,

I am so sorry I had to leave you like this but it is only for the best, I wish we could have been more but that is my own fault, it would have been too dangerous for the two of us to be together. I know you are hurt now but you will find someone, someone who will love you, not as much as I did, but love you. I want you to know you were the love of my life, you were the one that kept me up for hours during the night just thinking about you, but I should not be with you and you should not be with me, you are too perfect for me. This will hurt me more than you will ever know but just know I will be thinking of you forever and ever you are the love of my life and I hope that you find someone to love you.

~Nathan Bentz

P.S see you in hell!

She had read that letter thousands of times since she had gotten it, she wasn't going to admit it to anyone but she knew she missed him. Gripping the side of the letter, she folded it over the deep creases that had been made over time. She fell back on her bed slipping the letter into her coat pocket, she grabbed the black suitcase beside her bed and took a breath. A knock on her bedroom door had her jump up and answer it.

"Hey hun, you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Her father hugged her, wincing slightly.

"My shoulder will never heal now will it?" Jane smiled at her father, gripping the suitcase tighter. "Are you alright?" Jane nodded, her father had never found out about Nathan, he thought nothing of it. They walked out the door seeing the black limousine parked outside, the chauffer stood at the back holding the door open for the two of them. Daniel sat inside moving over to the window letting Jane sit inside, she placed the suit case on the floor looking down at it.

"Does mom know we are coming?"

"Yes and she has a nice party planned for someone very special." Jane smiled, she had missed her mother throughout the years, annual visits were not enough but her mother did not care for her child, only the money her father did not have, Roger Natrass was the other man, the other man with more money. He was kind but he had stolen Jane's mother, Jane did not have a childhood with her sister tragic death, and the curse that was put upon her, nobody would have survived that tragedy that was her life.

Arriving at the airport a few hours prior to the flight, they made their way through security, then out into the lounging area waiting for the ladies at the front taking in tickets to begin boarding the large plane. Jane took out her book, reading each line, imagining a vivid movie in her head, but her mind kept going back to the letter, as it had for the last two years. She shook the thought out of her mind and continued reading the long book.

Half-an-hour after sitting in the uncomfortable seats they began boarding the plane, parents with little children boarded first the little boys and girls wearing oversized backpacks filled with coloring books, pencil crayons and stuffed animals to help them through the long flight to Barcelona. At last Jane and Daniel boarded the flight, sitting in first class, they waited for the plane to take off going at an incredible speed down the concrete pass. It finally took off leaning slightly back tipping the nose into the air, Jane closed her eyes the sensation of the plane going up made her sick, she gripped onto the arm rests taking deep breaths.

"It's alright Jane." Her father reassured her. Finally balancing out; the plane smoothly glided through the air making its way to Barcelona.

After an excruciatingly long flight, the plane finally landed roughly in the beautiful city of Barcelona; jolting jane forward in her seat, Daniel held her hand as the plane stopped. After coming to a complete stop it was a nice trip to the terminal, everyone immediately stood up grabbing all of their belongings and then moving off the plane at slow pace. Holding her suit case tightly they made their way out of the plane, through the large airport, and outside onto the sidewalk.

A black Cadillac waited outside, the man opened the door for them both. Hopping inside, they began to travel to Janes' mother's mansion.

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