The Pool

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Jane took a nervous breath before looking down at the party going on throughout the house, women intertwined their arms with a male escort, they all looked overly dressed for being at a beach house. Daniel, Joselin, Roger and the boys all looked amazing. Daniel, Roger, and the boys all wore black suits with white dress shirts and black ties around their necks. Joselin looked beautiful, her long brown hair up in a tight bun her collarbones expanded outwards, the black dress covered most of her chest, two ruffled sleeves hung low on her shoulders. A golden necklace tied the whole outfit together.

"You look beautiful Jane." She jumped and turned around.

"We really need to put a bell on you." He raked her body up and down, the red dress flowed all the way down to the middle of her calves, a low neck-line made her look taller than she was.

"I have something that would make you look even more beautiful—which is next to impossible." Jane laughed and followed him, he entered the master bedroom, a glass door lead out onto the balcony, a huge bed in the middle of the room was neatly made, a mirror mounted on the wall gave Jane a clear view of what she looked like, Will came up behind her moving her hair out of the way, putting a necklace in front of her, her clipped the ends together and let it fall. Jane looked down at it, an hourglass pendant, she moved it around letting the sand gravitate from one end to another in a matter of seconds.

"It's beautiful." Will smiled.

"The sand inside is from the coast of Maui." Jane was surprised at his knowledge. She looked back up to the mirror making eye contact with Will. He put his hands on her glasses taking them off folding them on the table. "Even more stunning." Jane blushed and made her way out of the bedroom, going downstairs where she met up with her father, who was drinking a glass of alcohol.

"Wow, Jane you look amazing." Daniel hugged Jane, she looked over at Joselin, she smiled proudly as if she was seeing her daughter get married, Roger came and saw Jane.

"You look just like your mother." He said handing her a glass of champagne, she tasted the sweet taste of the alcoholic drink tipping the glass back, letting the liquid burn as it passed down her throat. Around her handsome young men spoke to one another about fascinating topics, laughing as they drank different drinks from tall glasses. The door opened and it seemed that Janes world had stopped around her, everything went silent all she could see was him.

Nathan at the door his hair slicked back with gel except for some few stray strands, black suspenders went over his shoulders, and a white long sleeve dress shirt covered his tattoos. He walked in like he owned the estate, he took a glass from the passing waiters, he looked up and saw Jane. For a few seconds it seemed like they were the only two people in the room. His breathing slowed when he saw her, he looked at her from head to toe biting his lip gently. A waiter passed blocking her vision of him, then he was gone.

"Jane are you alright?" Asked Roger, snapping her back into reality.

"Yes I'm alright, I need some fresh air." She ran out onto the balcony overlooking the ocean. Reyton and Johnathan played on the beach their dress shirts already dirty with wet sand and strands of seaweed. She looked at the roaring ocean, the waves crashing hard at the shore flooding onto the sands. She leaned forwards slightly, a hand rested on her shoulder, her elbow moved back into the gut of the mysterious person, she grabbed their hand and twisted it. Her free hand was suddenly grabbed roughly turning her around and pushed up against the railing, she looked up to see him the one she had been dreading to see for the past two years.

"Hello beautiful." She pushed him back walking down the stairs onto the beach. She took off her shoes and left the at the bottom of the wooden stairs holding onto her dress to make sure it wouldn't get dirty. "Jane." Nathan called from behind her.

"Go away."

"I did and now I'm back." She walked off not looking back. Nathan took off in a light jog to catch up to her. He grabbed her hand and spun her around, her face up to his chest. "Come back." He whispered.

"No." She said trying to get free from his tight confines. He pulled her closer and picked her up off the ground walking her back to the house. "Let me go!" She screamed. He climbed up the stairs, and onto the balcony, he walked over to the pool leaning over it. He put her down and took off his tie, shirt, pants and his shoes leaving them at the side, he took a running start and jumped into the pool, resurfacing a few seconds after moving his hair out his eyes.

"Come in babe."

"No." He grunted and swam over to edge.

"Help me out at least."

"You're going to pull me in." He smirked.

"You know me so well." He hoisted himself up grabbing her hand pulling her into the warm water, she resurfaced. She poked him in the chest.

"I hate you." He laughed and looked into her eyes for what seemed like forever, she looking into his eyes too long for them to be just friends. He picked her up by her hips and spun her around.

"No you don't."

"Yes!" She yelled, he grabbed the sides of her face, moving in closer to her. "Why are you here?" He leaned in closer to her his lips almost landing on her, but she backed away and turned from him.

"I'm here on a mission." He said helping her take off her drenched dress, throwing it off to the side of the pool.


"The danger I spoke of, I'm a spy, I work for the CIA." Jane had the urge to laugh, but kept her mouth shut. "You're in danger my dear."


"Your mother is not who you think she is."

"Then who the hell is she?!" Jane yelled.

"Keep your voice down." He fought the desire to kiss her roughly, but he knew that if he did he would be breaking his promise. "Your mother is a very bad person with no regard for human emotion.

"Sounds like someone I know." Nathan disregarded her comment and continued.

"She is the most wanted person from Nepal to Alaska, and she is also the head of the world most secret, largest crime agency which recruits assassins, thief's, and spies." Jane did not believe him, or did not want to believe the horrendous truth.

"No." She whispered. "I—I have to go." She swam to the edge grabbing her clothes.

"But you're in danger." Nathan jumped out of the pool; trying to grab her wrist, trying to bring her back to him, trying to gain her trust once again. Jane stepped inside the house dripping water all over the floor, Joselin saw her and went wide-eyed.

"Jane what happened to you?"

"I...fell in the pool." Joselin called over Will that handed her a towel, wrapping herself in it she rushed upstairs, locking herself in her room, she lay down thinking of what Nathan had said: You're in danger. She tried shaking the thought from her head, but her thoughts kept jumping back for him. A knock on the door brought her back to the sad reality she was living in.

"Go away please." She called out, another knock, grunting loudly she went to open the door. Will stood with a pile of dry clothes in his hands.

"For you Miss Carlson." She smiled and took the clothing placing it down on her bed.

"Thank you William." He smiled and left the bedroom. Quickly changing into the warm clothes her mind thought of Nathan once more, questions burned her brain. Was she really in danger? Was her mother really the woman Nathan described? Jane felt like screaming, she looked out the window at the pool expecting to see him once more, a single red rose on the side of the pool caught her eye.

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