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Jane was rushed to the medical unit in the underground facility. All she could make out was the passing faces of the doctors and the bright white lights that illuminated the otherwise dark place, Nathan ran by her side, holding onto her shaking hand. "Everything will be okay." His voice faded away as she lost consciousness of the place around her.

Waking up slowly Jane looked around, Nathan sat in one of the chairs beside the wooden door, his foot tapped nervously he looked up to see Janes eyes wide open and full of life. He smiled walking over to the hospital bed, he leaned down kissing her, taking her hand in his. "I've been wanting to do that for two years." She kissed him once more. "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth, but it was for your own safety." Jane had been so caught up in the crazy adventure she had forgotten about her family.

"Where is my father?" She asked.

"The analysts are searching; they think that he is your mothers main base in London."

"Don't even call her my mother, she was never my mother, just a stranger." Nathan helped her up from the hospital bed. "What did they do to me?"

"They used the newest technology to heal you." They turned a corner of the underground facility. "You lost blood, lots of it but they couldn't find the correct blood type so they used mine."

"Yours? But you don't have the same blood as me unless..."

"Unless Dalton came to visit me one night to make me a deal that would help us both."


"He told me to leave you, I'm sorry, but he said that was the only way I could be with you is to become a demon myself—so that is what I did, I'm a demon now." Jane couldn't believe what he said, she hugged him tightly.

"You did that for me? Thank you."

"Anything for you princess—I mean queen." He bowed down, Jane giggled and pushed him slightly.

"You're crazy."

"And that's why you love me."

"Now where is Dalton? I want to give him a piece of my mind."

"Probably in his office, the easiest way there is take the stairs on the East side of Headquarters."

"Wait he works here?"

"He is the head of our whole operations." Nathan said, Jane raised an eyebrow.

"A demon, head of a spy agency?"

"Well you know Dalton." He wrapped his arm around her waist, she nodded.

"Yes...That asshole."

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