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Madeline Gilbert was suppose to be a normal little girl. She was suppose to be a healthy baby. She was suppose to be so much more. Addison Gilbert, loving wife of Joseph Gilbert, wept as the doctors handed her her small two month old child.

"I am terribly sorry," the doctors said.

"But how? How did this happen? And why?" The doctor shook his head. 

"It just does. We have reason to believe she was already born blind, and we just didn't realize until later on," Addison cried even more and looked down at her sleeping daughter. 

"You're telling me that my baby will never be able to see me?" The doctor looked down at his hands which rested in his lap. 

"Yes." Even though their daughter was blind, they tried their hardest to raise her the way the saw fit. They taught her many things about the world, people, and other miscellaneous things. Maddie, at a very young age, found all this very interesting and desired to learn many languages and different cultures. 

When she was four, her parents wanted to take her on one of their business trips to Russia. However; plane was hijacked and when it crashed, the terrorists were surprised to find the family still alive.

They all where taken to an Afghanistan cave where they were told what to do. And if we did not cooperate, they where tortured. Maddie's father was a doctor and her mother was a teacher and bio-engineer. 

On September 19, 2007 both parents were killed because one of the men they had 'supposedly saved' died. They were killed right in front of their six year old daughter.

Flashback in Maddie's POV-

The giant metal door opened suddenly, making the small family look up. The leader immediately punched my father in the face making my mother cry out.

"You kill him, you kill my brother," he yelled in Arabic. I immediately recognized this language and began translating it in my head. 

"What are you talking about," Joseph asked as he struggled to stand.

"The medicine you gave him, killed him. There was a poison," I could sense my father glaring at him. "You knew!"

My father said nothing. Suddenly the leader grabbed my mother by her hair and pointed a gun to her head. I looked around, desperate to find some way of hope.

"Maddie, I love you so much and I'm so proud of you," I heard my mother weep.



"Close your eyes sweetie," my eyes filled with tears. My father loved my mother and refused to loose his wife.

"Stay back, Maddie," my father ordered me. I retreated to the table and tripped over the corner making me fall on my bum as the gun went off. I scrambled to the body.

"No!" My mother screamed. I realized the body was my father's. He had lunged for the man but failed. I desperately tried to stop the bleeding. I sat on my knees touching my father's chest in hope to save him. Another shot making me fall back on my bum again in fear.

Another thump. My parents. Gone. I shook them and tried to get them to wake up. Blood pooled onto my hands. I felt the man approach me and I looked up. I closed my eyes as the gun was pressed against my head as tears raced down my face.

"Hmm," the man said and left the room. I was confused but decided to turn my attention back to my parents.

"Momma? Papa?" I shook them even harder as tears covered my dark eyes. I cried and cried. "Wake up." but they never did.

Flashback ends

I was left at age six, to fend for myself. Why they kept me alive? I'll never know. I don't even know if I was glad they did.

All I knew was that I was alone, in a dark world with no one to love or care for me. That all changed one day, when a man named Tony Stark came into my life.

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