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In the car, Pepper looked in the mirror at Maddie who sat with her hands in her lap. "So...Maddie. Tell me something about you," Pepper tried to strike up a conversation.

"Well, what do you want to know," Maddie asked confused?

"Like what's your favorite animal, color, food, hobby, etc," Maddie thought a moment.

"I've been in captivity for three years so I don't know a whole lot," Maddie said making a confused face.

"That's not what Tony says."

"Well, I may be smart but that doesn't mean I've ever seen an animal before. Or colors," she said. "And since I've been so isolated from the world, hobbies include making bombs for terrorists," she sarcastically added.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Pepper slowed her down. "You've never seen an animal before? That's crazy!"

"Or people for that fact," Maddie said her head turned as if she was looking out the window.

"Wha-? Even peop-?" Then it hit Pepper. She looked in the mirror again and saw Maddie's eyes. "You...can't...see."

"Why does everyone say that? It's not like I'm the first blind person on this planet," she said throwing her hands up.

"It's not that. It's just- your so confident in your ways. It's hard to tell you're blind." Maddie smirked.

"Ah, well thank you." The car pulled into the driveway. And Pepper got out of the car and went around to get Maddie out. Maddie though, opened the door and cautiously stepped out.

"It's okay, Miss Potts. I've been blind all my life, I think I know to get out of a car," Pepper smiled and gentle grabbed her hand, leading her to the house.

"There are steps ahead so be careful," Pepper warned.

"How many?"

"Uh, eight. Why?" Maddie's hand slipped out of Pepper's and she cautiously made her way to the steps before climbing them with ease. Pepper followed behind her. Maddie's hands bumped into the glass door and was taken back.

Her hands roamed the glass, trying to find the knob. Pepper pushed the door open and Maddie stepped in. As Pepper placed her stuff down, Maddie walk around, her arms extended to guide her.

"Good evening Miss Potts," a voice called making Maddie jump.

"Hello Jarvis," Pepper said. "We have a guest staying with us for a while."

"Yes, I can see that. What might our guest's name be," he asked.

"Maddie," Pepper replied with a smile. "Her name is Maddie."

"Were is that voice coming from," Maddie asked confused as she looked up.

"Jarvis is no person," Pepper smiled.

"I am a program. I am without form," he said.

"You are artificial intelligence?" Maddie asked.

"My, my, I see our Maddie is smart for someone her age," Jarvis said.

"Yes she is," Pepper said. Just then, Maddie fell to her hands and knees as she missed one small step. "Oh, Maddie." Pepper came rushing over to her.

Maddie was almost shocked by the step and she cautiously stood up. "I'm okay." She waved her hand and Pepper stood back as she continued to roam around.

"Let me show you where you will be staying," Pepper placed her hand on Maddie's back and lead her to a guest bedroom.

Maddie moved around the room, familiarizing herself with everything. When her hands made contact with the bed, she climbed onto it and lay down.

"It's so big," She smiled.

"What is?"

"The bed, the room," she said. Really the room was actually quite small though. There was only a queen sized bed, a small vanity, a closet, and a side table. Maddie stood to her feet and wandered around some more.

Maddie felt the vanity's desk, her fingers dancing across the wood. Pepper tilted her head as she touched the mirror. Maddie's eyes searched it, wondering what the foreign object was.

It was a cool sensation, nothing like she ever felt. When she gave it a push, it didn't bounce back, it was solid. She tapped her finger against it making a small clink. She liked how it felt beneath her little palm.

Pepper turned her head. "I'll let you get comfortable," her voice cracked as she walked out of the room. Maddie left alone, looking to where Pepper had stood.

An hour later-

Pepper knocked on Maddie's door before opening it. Maddie sat at her vanity, gazing ahead of her, into the mirror.

"Tony's back and he's asking if you help him downstairs," she said. Maddie didn't move. "Maddie?" Just then Pepper noticed the broken mirror in front of her and Maddie's bloody hands. "What happened?"

Pepper approached her and took her hands to inspect them. "Nothing. I broke the cool solid."

"It's a mirror, Maddie. Now your bleeding," she said.

"What's a mirror?" Pepper took her hand and led her out of her room.

"It's an object that pans you're reflection," Pepper said, pulling her towards the kitchen to clean her up.

She stood Maddie by the island and got a wet washcloth. "Reflection," Maddie said, scrunching her face up. Pepper nodded then applied the cloth to her cuts. Maddie winced in pain.

"What happened," Tony asked coming up from the stairs.

"Maddie cut herself on the mirror," Pepper acknowledged.

"Uh-huh, how'd you do that kid?" Tony turned on the television.

"I broke the solid," she said proudly. "It shattered. My hands enjoyed the feeling of it," she spoke as if her hands where real people. "It reminded me of..."

"Of what," Tony asked, eating his protein bar.

"Of something from a long time ago. It felt like the chip," Tony turned his head.

"The what now?"

"The chip. The thing my parents put in my head. It felt like that," Tony stood up immediately.

"Your parents put something in your head," she nodded. "Like a bomb?"

"No, I don't think so."

"We should still have Rhodes check you out, see if everything is functioning properly and that you're not just in shock," Tony said tossing the remote aside.

Maddie looked down and nodded. Pepper pushed Maddie to Tony. She found Tony's hand and laced her fingers with his.

"Happy?" Happy nodded at the door and opened it for them. They got into the car and headed back to the US Navy control site.

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