Task 8: The Roommate

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The Task Summary

Two more tasks to go before you collect your prizes. Everyone is doing very well and are showing more of your characters with every submission. Please continue doing your best as I enjoy reading all submits and so do others that take a peak.

You are to describe a room in three stages. Your character and one other person will be living together. The goal of this task is to use no dialogue but the environment telling these stages. This means there is no use of characters in this task. You are only to use things such as belongings, objects, furniture and clothes. The way in which you reveal information will affect he readers understanding and emotions.

Your Three Stages

1. The two people live in harmony.

2. There has  been a fight between the roommates.

3. One of the roommates move out.

Brainstorming Questions

How are the two characters defined?

What will happen to cause a fight?

Who are the characters?

How will you use a sense of discovery?

What changes will occur in the stages?

Which one moved out?

Which one started the fight?

What are the characters ages?

What do they look like?

How long have they lived together?

How did they response to the argument when the conflict first happened?


19th Of September 2016

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