Task 1: Scores

23 2 4

 Well done for all your hard work. Here is the score for your first task and beginning of the journey as a camper.



There is hints of a strong character blooming. Improvement for you could be to simply sit somewhere quiet and just spend ten minutes simply thinking about the exercise asking what would they do. If you like to listen to music then what music would they use in the background. If you like to keep nibbles around what would they nibble on. Simple exercises like this before you write can really put you in the mindset of the character without noticing.



The character's exact really shows the struggles that made the change in his life. The piece shows the relationship break down that causes him to have almost know only being alone. Overall, it had good injections of personality were he explains the changes. There is big switch from his keen nature to his dad's work while he is then in sudden sadness of the reality due to the good direction of presence tense making the reader connect with your reader.



The piece is a nice back story that gives understanding to the relationship between the members of the family. The piece shows an insight to the creative mind with her ambitions of being an artist. The piece overall is a good overview of the start of the character's journey and gives an idea of the times of her innocent childhood.



Your character shows a nice layout gives an insight to their attitude towards the higher archery. The character also shows a lack of work effort and a laid back approach. The character writing it as a draft essay shows his thought process more with the pauses. This helps us as the reader believe we are the one writing the essay. This is good as we all want to make our characters believable.



Your characters personalities are strong in the task. I feel that the layout mixing the dairy with the actions really helps to show the friendship between them both. Gage shows a confidence personality while being very guarded. Rhyse comes through as a direct, strong and independent woman with a fiery spirit. She also has brains which makes her least robotic. This is a good thing which will allow many interesting twists.

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