Task 2: Escape Time

53 1 11

Now we have all had an introduction to your character it is time to look at their planning style.  What makes them dangerous? This task is a situation objective created in either an exact or full scene  you will write about your character escaping some sort of prison. You only have one weapon to create your escape.

Think about things such as:

How will your character use this one weapon?

What sort of prison are they in?

Will the one weapon be an object?

Do they have an ability they can use as this one weapon?

Will it simply be their choice of words talking them out the environment as their one weapon?

What kind of captives are keeping your character locked away?

How does your weapon have an advantage on your captives?

What sort of thing would your character be imprisoned for?

Are there more then  single character your developing in the prison?

Do they shall the same cell?

Are they all going to escape or is someone getting left behind?

Have they meet before?

Is this their first encounter?

This task is to be in by the 31st of July 2016

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