Demi Charmed: Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Demons, Dinner, and Dishes Oh My!

Two out of three of Piper’s children like me, Demi thought, that’s a good thing.

Demi and Melinda were sitting on the couch watching one of those vampire shows that were strangely addictive. Demi knew that everything about this show was stupid and their portrayal of witches was slightly offensive, but she still watched it. Apparently Melinda loved it too. It caused Demi and Melinda to bond. They started talking about the show, watching it together, and then they started talking about other things.

They certainly had more in common than Demi did with the other Halliwells. She and Melinda both had an older brother, they were very misunderstood by their families, they both had a sunny outlook, and they were loners. Somehow in the few days they had been together, Demi and Melinda formed some sort of sister-like relationship. Melinda was only 14, about two years younger than Demi, and really felt somewhat left out. Her brothers could go off and do more dangerous magical stunts, but Melinda couldn’t.

“He’s an idiot!” Melinda practically yelled at the TV. “He just bit his girlfriend’s best friend; how will she not find out about it!”

“I know!” Demi shook her head. She was putting a second layer coat of purple polish on Melinda’s toe nails.

The second they heard that familiar jingling sound that came with orbing, the girls stopped what they were doing. Melinda paused their show and Demi tightened the lid on her nail polish. White light filled the room and Wyatt and Chris orbed in.

“Demi,” Wyatt grabbed her hand and pulled her off the couch. “We need your help.”

He orbed her out of there before she could begin to protest or even listen to Melinda protest. Demi opened her eyes and saw a fireball headed straight towards her.

“Duck!” Chris shouted and shoved her over.

They were in some kind of cave and there were five horned creatures throwing fire at them. Demi jumped up and quickly produced her own energy ball to throw at a demon. It landed on one, making him catch fire and die. Wyatt jumped out from behind a bolder and blew up one demon. Two down, three to go. Two were ambushing Chris and Wyatt.

Where is the third?

A tight grip wrapped around Demi’s throat. She gasped.

“Witches!” Her captor hissed.

Chris and Wyatt saw the demon choking Demi. Before Wyatt could demolish the demon, the demon turned around, using Demi as a shield.

“Hurt me and you hurt her,” He hissed at the Halliwell brothers.

He tightened his grip on Demi, making her gasp for breath.

“Do something!” Chris shouted at Wyatt.

“I can’t! I’ll hit her by accident!” Wyatt yelled back.

Demi had an idea. “Do it!” She croaked.

“No!” The brothers shouted in unison.

“Trust me,” Demi was getting so dizzy now from lack of oxygen that she was pretty much squawking at the boys.

Chris and Wyatt looked at each other, trying to decide.

The demon tightened his grip again, making Demi grunt in pain, she was starting to see spots, meaning she would surely pass out soon.

Chris’s emerald eyes lit up, “I know what she’s doing,” He said to his older brother. “Do it! Trust me.”

Wyatt hesitated, but trusted his brother.

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