Chapter 9

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Less than ten minutes pass before the doorbell rings.

"I got it!" Abigail calls from the stairs. She swings the door open and I hear a faint, short conversation between her and Kevin. She points toward the kitchen and Kevin starts down the hall.

"Hey, guys." he says when he sees Scott and me.

"Let's go sit in the living room." Kirstie says, motioning for us to follow. "Abby, will you come in here?" The five of us all sit on the floor in a circle.

"You're Mitch's sister, right?" Kevin asks Abigail. "So, Kirst, what's up?" She swallows and hesitates before saying, "You remember Jeremy, right?"

"Jeremy, as in your ex-fiancé, Jeremy?" Her face flushes red.

"Yeah, that one. So, I don't think I ever gave you a reason why I left him, did I?"


"Okay, well, here's my reason." She takes Abigail's hand and tips her head toward the floor. She glances up to gauge his reaction. Slowly, he begins to smile.

"How serious are you guys?"

"We're engaged." she says, lifting her head again. His smile grows bigger and he surges forward to hug her.

"I'm so happy for you." We are all startled out of the sweet moment by a loud sound from every phone in the room. The sound scares me enough to trigger my PTSD, and I immediately lean into Scott and bury my face. He pulls me back to reality before anything else can happen by placing a featherlight kiss on my neck, almost unnoticeable by anyone watching. Kirstie puts her hand on my back and begins rubbing up and down.

"It's okay, Mitchy, it was just a weather warning." Scott whispers while I continue to lean on him. Kirstie gasps and pulls her hand away from me.

"I just had the best idea. Scott, Mitch, Kevin, you guys should all stay over, and we could have a sleep over, but you know, mature." Scott nudges me and I nod.

"We're in."

"Kev?" she asks hopefully.

"Sure, why not."

"And we should go out. And we should all get a matching tattoo!"

"K, you know that passes my boundaries. I will not get a tattoo." Kevin says, tilting his head to the side a little. "But, I would be happy enough seeing all of you get a matching one." She smiles and says, "We should go soon. It's already getting dark out." She runs upstairs and comes back with two pairs of shoes in her hands. Abigail takes one pair and we all leave in our respective vehicles, deciding to meet at some place Kirstie and Abigail are obsessed with and say that I will be, too.


The building we park in front of is so tall that I have to crane my neck to see the roof. I start to get out, but Scott tugs on my hand. I look over to him and he crashes his lips against mine. At first I am surprised, but then I relax and let my hands move to his shirt collar, pulling him toward me a little. We jump apart when there is a knock on my window. I look over my shoulder and see Kirstie, who is laughing so hard she is almost in tears. I open the door and she pokes her head in to say, "Scott, your gay is showing."

"So is yours." he replies, getting out of the car without looking at me. A sign directly inside the front door tells us everything that is in the building. There are thirteen floors. The first, second, and third are the ones that interest me: hair, tattoos, and piercings. The whole building seems to be a very large, very diverse sort of mall. There is a floor of restaurants as well as shopping, and on one floor there is a movie theater. I grab Scott's hand giddily when I get the idea to highlight my currently dark purple hair with blonde. I tell Scott my idea and he nods in agreement. An hour and a half later, he, Kevin, Kirstie, and Abigail are all asking me how I like it, while I remain speechless, staring in the mirror. We spend several more hours and Kirstie ends up getting several piercings above her eye and dying the tips of her hair royal blue. Scott, Kirstie, Abigail and I all get a small matching rose tattoo on our ankles. After that, we head up to the shopping floor where I purchase a new choker and the girls get about six bags each of new clothes. Finally, we head back to Kirstie's house with a two frozen pizza and two two-liters of Pepsi and a rented copy of Grease. We stop by mine and Scott's apartment to grab clothes and hygiene stuff and then by Kevin's to do the same.

The Boy Who Brought Me Back (Scömìche)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now