Chapter 7

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It takes me a few seconds to realize that Scott fell asleep on my shoulder. I shake him awake and say, "She's here." At first, he looks at me, confused. Then, his eyes widen with the realization as the second knock rings. He takes a deep breath, stands, and moves to the door with me right behind him. When he opens the door, I am surprised. Allysin is an exact replica of Scott, except that her hair is long and tinted with brown highlights, and she is built more like me than her brother. For several seconds, he just stares at her, and as each second passes, his figure stoops a little more. I force a smile onto my face and push him out of the way a little to stand beside him.

"Please, come in." I say, moving aside. She passes us and I pull Scott down to whisper, "You need to at least talk. She's your sister, not mine." I lean on the wall next to the door and watch as they awkwardly sit next to each other on the couch, silent until Scott says, "Why are you here?" He doesn't look at her.

"Because you're my brother." I notice a English accent when she speaks and curiosity nearly gets the best of me, but I keep my mouth shut.

"Don't give me that crap. I was your brother when I was six and you left. I was your brother for ten years, when I waited and wondered what the hell happened to you. I stopped being your brother when I realized that you didn't give a shit about me." Tears glisten in his eyes and he runs a hand through his hair.


"No, just tell me the real reason you're here. At least tell me why you chose to come now." She takes a deep breath.

"I've been trying to find you for years. I came now because I found you. The only reason I left you is because I was young and naive. I was scared. I didn't know what to do, so I ran away from the situation, like kids do. It took me about a year to realize that I shouldn't have left you, once I had gotten my head on straight, but by the time I came back, you were gone. I didn't know what to do. I thought you'd been taken or something, but I didn't even think of Mrs. Thomson. Once I did, she had moved out of her house and I couldn't locate her until recently. I've spent so many years trying to find you, Scott, and I'm sorry that it took that long, but that's the truth." He sits, staring silently at the floor. Allysin glances briefly at me before settling her gaze on Scott. "Please look at me." He snaps his head up and for the first time, I see tears fall down his cheeks.

"I don't know if I can believe you." he says, voice breaking.

"Please believe me. It's the truth."

"I need you to leave."

"Scott, please listen to me-"

"No, Ally. I just...I need to think, and the way I can do that is if you get out of my apartment." After a few seconds of hesitation, she stands and walks by me with her head down.


Scott locks himself in his bedroom, refusing to talk to me at all. After a long time of begging him to let me in and getting no response, I decide to call Kirstie. She tells me to let her talk to Scott.

"Scott, Kirstie's on the phone. She wants to talk to you." I try the knob again hesitantly, and this time the door opens. I see Scott laying face down on the bed, head covered by pillows and one arm dangling limply over the side of the bed.

"Go away." he says, voice muffled.

"Kirstie wants to talk to you."

"Tell her to go away."

"You can't hide in here forever. Why won't you talk to us?" He doesn't respond, so I go to sit next to him on the bed. After a few seconds, he sits up. His eyes are completely bloodshot and his face is paler than usual.

"Put her on speaker." I press the icon on the screen and say, "You're on, Kit."

"Scott, why didn't you tell me she was coming?"

"Just found out this morning." he mumbles. His voice sounds strained.

"If you really don't want to talk right now, I can go."

"I don't."

"Scott-" I start. Kirstie cuts me off. "It's fine, sweetie. I need to respect his wishes. Bye." She hangs up and I toss the phone aside, watching it bounce on the mattress.

"Would it be weird of me to ask you to sit in my lap?" he asks, still not meeting my gaze. I shake my head and crawl over to him. "Are we romantically involved?" I think for a moment.

"Maybe. I'm not really sure."

"I like kissing you. That should count for something." I chuckle.

"I guess it does." He puts one arm loosely over my shoulder and across my chest.

The Boy Who Brought Me Back (Scömìche)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now