letter sixteen

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Lilah spent my final days caring for me- against my wishes. I wanted to die alone as to minimalize the causalities when I kicked the bucket.

We took a walk along the trail to the tree house. I looked up at our secret hideaway and thought about the night we had sex. I'd never felt closer to you and nothing was the same between us after; but in a good way; In the best way. I also thought about how I'd never be able to even see the inside of our hideaway ever again with my hastily deteriorating health. Lilah noticed my sadness and questioned me, and I explained. 

A fire lit in her eyes, and suddenly she was determined to have me up there by tonight. And it took all day, but the girl did successfully get me to our spot without killing me. Everything was just as you had left it. 

We spent the night up there and we talked about you. I told her every single thing about you, everything from your favorite color to the cookies you made every Christmas.  

And somehow you'd made another person fall in love with you,

just from the grave this time.

With love,

Preston Arsement♥

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