letter eleven

41 5 2


I met a girl just like you today. 

Her eyes were the same brilliant green but she had forests growing in them. She had the same sunken features and the same dulling hair. She was the same as your late self; the way you were in your last year. 

She's in for an eating disorder, which if I would've gone to treatment for that months ago, then I might have been savable- physically at least. 

I met her in the garden- she was sitting by the fountain plucking petals from a daisy and watching them swirl in the evermoving water. Her dull brown hair had become so long that the ends almost dipped in the water themselves. I decided to talk to her, Mitch and Jerome hadn't been there in two days as they were off dealing with personal business and it's not like we'd been talking anyway. 

Her name was Lilah. She'd been there for a month and she had bulimia. No one came to visit her anymore, her parent believed that now that she was an adult, she had to take of her own problems. She's only 21 for God's sake. 

We ended up talking for a couple of hours until the nurse came down looking for her- they had to do her nightly weigh-in. 

It was a miracle to meet someone like you, Mal.

She just wasn't as great as the real deal.

With love,

Preston Arsement ♥

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