letter ten

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They've decided to keep me in the hospital for another week. Although I refused to be put on any transplant lists or accept surgery to repair a weak heart valve, the nurses have been pumping me full of vitamins and whatever else they could find- not like it matters anyway. 

Jerome is still here, and Mitch has joined the party now. They keep taking shifts watching me and leaving to take a shower or to get food or whatever they have to do. And I just sit and sit and not talk and not talk and think and think.

 I think about Rob and how if he had been on time that morning he went to meet you, he would still be here. I think about you and how if Rob had never been hit by that car then you would still be here and you two would probably be married or something and traveling the world. I think about Ashley and how if you and Rob would've been off and married then I never would've fallen for you and I probably would've ended up with her. And then I think about me and how I've somehow ended up in this dull fucking hospital-kept alive by tubes and machines, when the truth is I used to have such an amazing life. 

I used to have my best friend by my side and you, and somehow that was enough even though I had much much more...

And now I feel I have nothing but a failing heart, a failing brain, and a total failure of a life.

Wouldn't my mom be proud?

With love,

Preston Arsement ♥

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