Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


After I pieced everything together, it wasn't difficult to trace all the killings to one person. He- or should I say she, who was capable of the murders and can easily get away with it.

The cold evening breeze whipped against my cheeks as my motorcycle sped down the light traffic. My bike wasn't anything fancy, it was just an old second-hand black motorcycle. I wasn't living the luxurious mercenary life as most would presume. Our guild was self-sustained and our allowances were the only salary we got. As a teenager, I don't get much. I actually couldn't afford the tuition for the school, but Roland was kind enough to enroll me into one, from his very own pocket. He wanted me to at least experience some normalcy in my career-driven life.

It was an hour ride to get to the adjacent town. My red riding hood waltzed through the song of the wind.

Werewolves on every direction were coming at me in incredible speed. An ambush! I pulled one of my handguns out and started shooting them one by one. Panic and fear would lead to my demise, so I kept calm even if my situation was too dangerous. Every shot I fired was on-point, hitting every target between their eyes. Consecutive banging and whimpers resounded throughout the woods as the ambush continued.

When my current gun ran out of ammunition, I pulled the other from my left holster, loaded it and started firing again. I wasn't firing randomly- no, I fired at the ones who were nearing to reach me. I knew I already lost against the sheer number of the incoming wolves, but I wasn't going down without taking some of them with me.

I was quickly running out of ammo and the only weapon I have left is a knife. I took a deep breath, already accepting death. I chuckled at myself. Not one year out of the compound and I already found myself dying. Talk about comedy. One of the top students, celebrating the very first funeral of their batch.

I shot at a copper brown wolf, its blood splattered in the air as it gushed from its skull. It was my last shot. When I pulled the trigger another time, it just clicked instead. I threw it at one of the wolf as I quickly pulled my knife out from the back of my belt. Let's see how many I can bring to hell with.

A grey wolf leapt towards me, ready to claw my head off.

"Bring it on! You filthy mutts!" I shouted at them, while preparing to slash the wolf's throat.

Suddenly, a boot landed on the incoming wolf's face and I stared wide-eyed; surprised.

"Really? Those are your last words? I thought I taught you better." Uncle Roland deadpanned. He smirked at me and turned back around to shoot at wolves.

"U-uncle Roland!" I managed to squeak out of shock. I wasn't dying after all!

"Shut up and shoot." He tossed me a silver magnum. It was beautiful. It looked like it was handcrafted by the angels themselves from the blueprint of a god. I didn't have time to ogle at it when I'm in the middle of an ambush.

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