Chapter One

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Chapter One

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Chapter One


                    Oakley High School. Entering through its carved wooden double doors, I once again put myself in this penitentiary which they call 'a place of learning'. Students, in a variety of race, class and personality, roam the premises' white halls. My feet moved, placing one step after another, going to the direction of my locker embedded in the depths of my memory.

As usual at about this time (6:37am), students starts filling up the halls, heading their ways towards their respective lockers to prep for another day of listening to teachers rant about the wonders of this world. There were discriminating eyes casted upon me as I passed, followed by whispers consisting of rumors, made up by the figment of their pitiful imaginations.

Supposedly, I was some kid who was sent to juvenile prison in my elementary days for murdering his own parents. How they brought that absurd conclusion up was beyond me. But, apparently it was the only logical explanation as to my lack of parents or any relatives at all. That is why I was avoided by most at all cost for I might just lose it and murder them recklessly.


Ignoring every dim-witted, hormonal teenagers, I reached my locker without catching their infectious disease; stupidity. I sure hope they would never procreate. Imagine those poor innocent children, and for the sake of humanity.

I heard a lot of gossips as I open my locker.

"Jade broke up with Harris." " I heard that Rick slept with his best friend's mom."

"Maria was tested positive for HIV." "Isn't it Kris' eighteenth birthday today?"

"Jude was arrested for attempting to steal from a sex toy shop."

My ears were bleeding by the time the lid popped open.

Theoretically, the student body is consisted of both humans and supernatural beings. One of the plenty reasons I do not socialize with them. Though, I'm pretty sure their numbers would be less than 5%, I don't really know since we can only identify supernaturals from the traces they leave behind. We, the hunstmen, are still lowly human beings who do not have these extraordinary abilities that could sense a supernatural from miles away, like the ones depicted in movies. So far there seems to be none in this school.

Better not involve myself to people whose throats I might slit, whose hearts my blade might pierce and whose blood might divulge the moment my bullet penetrate their skull.

I brought out every book I would need for the first four periods. Closing my locker with my back, I leaned on its grey painted metal surface as I fit my things inside my backpack. When I was zipping the said bag to close, a hand pulled it down spilling the books to the floor. The hand belonged to a stereotypical, buzzcut jock, together with his clique and some slutbags. Snickers and fit of giggles came from the audience's mouth while I pick the books up.

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