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                    The blood spilled even before the bang of my gun was heard. The wolf collapsed to the forest floor with a whimper, as its blood continued to flow from a hole between its sharp eyes. The color red now invading its once caramel fur. I stepped closer to the animal's unmoving body, smelling the bitter metallic odor and a wolf's unique scent, similar to that of a dog's with a hint of forest. I aimed my handgun to its skull and shot it once more.

Just making sure it stays dead.

I don't want to make the same mistake of letting a filthy creature escape for assuming it was dead, again. I had a scar across my shoulder to be a reminder of that stupidity. Six years have passed, I was a rookie back then. A clueless, emotion-driven kid who was thirsty to shed blood and inflict vengeance to the foul beasts. I remember that grey wolf.

                    Consecutive banging followed every time I pulled the trigger of my gun. Each shot missing its target, a grey wolf with bloody red eyes and a very gruesome set of fangs that, in no doubt, can shred my flesh and bones within minutes.

This is my first time out of the compound; first time to hunt and kill werewolves. I was excited yet ill at ease. My anxiety getting to me in the form of shaky hands and uneven and sharp intake of breaths.

The target is sprinting briskly towards my direction, making it challenging to get a hit. I retained my stance, holding my gun with small hands of a twelve year-old, one around its handle and another underneath. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to relax, even for just a moment. Recalling what my mentors taught me.

Keep calm, aim, pull the trigger.

The mantra still repeating in my head as I aimed at the grey beast charging at me.

"Keep calm, aim.. pull the trigger!" I muttered to myself.

A whimper resounded after the blast of my gun. I shot it. I shot the wolf!

I couldn't help but smile brightly as I turned around and started to call my best friend, Roxanne, and share the great news.

"Roxy!" I called and she appeared from behind a tree. Her orange hair prominent on top of her head, wearing the same leather suit as me and also carrying a handgun that holds silver bullets."Roxy, I killed it!"

It was a joyful moment, so it confused me as to why Roxy was not expressing the joy she should have felt for me. Her chocolate brow eyes were dilated. Her mouth agape. She looked afraid.

My smile gradually turned into a frown. "What is it?" I asked.

She pointed past behind me, stuttering incoherent words.

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