Chapter 1- Leaving to Life

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I carried my luggage to the trunk of my navy blue Honda civic. I opened the trunk and saw a load of boxes I forgot to unpack when I moved Into my apartment a couple weeks ago. I took the boxes out and placed them beside my back tire before I threw my luggage In my car and clicked the lock button on the keys. I picked up the boxes and opened the door to go up the staircase. It was a long way up to my apartment , as I lived on the fifth floor. I already talked to the Landlord about getting an elevator, but he refuses. Once I reached the fifth floor, I pulled out my keys from my back pocket and put the boxes on my counter. I grabbed my two cat kennels with my cats In them. Cookies and Creme, as you can probably assume one is black and the other one is white. I took my purse off the hanger, took a deep breath to look around my apartment. I wasn't going to be seeing this for a year and a half. My parents are going to be checking up on It, but I'm going to be worried, that's a big characteristic of mine.  Once I got downstairs and put my cats into the back seat. After hopping into the car, I drove away to my parentshouse because I was going to visit them before I left.

I live In L.A, But I have never left L.A In my life, so I promised myself I would go travailing once I was done high school, and It's only been 6 months since I graduated, but I moved Into my apartment which was expensive so I had to wait awhile. First I was going to Chicago, then New York. After The "Big Cities" I was going to hot places, Hawaii and  The Caribbean After I was done there I was going to travel Europe. Europe was one of the places I had to go before I died. I would always regret it if I didn't. First I was going to London, then Paris. After Greece and Barcelona and then Venice. After I was done I was going to go to Toronto to visit my grandparents. I've only seen them a couple times, when they come to LA every few years. Then I was going to come home.

I finally arrived to my parents house, grabbed my cats and knocked on their front door. My mom answered the door

"Hi Jasmine" My mom said. ".. and hello to Cookies and Creme,"

I dropped down the two cat kennels and opened them. Cookies ran to go play with My Mom's cat named  Gloves. Creme stayed with me. She has always been close to me, I'm going to miss her very much and I'm also going to miss Cookies, obviously. I love my cats more then anybody In the entire world.

Tears started to come out of my dark brown eyes, they started to roll down my cheeks more quickly now.

"Are you alright?" My mother asked while coming and giving me a motherly hug.

I wiped down my eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied, while picking up Creme. I gave him a big hug and a big kiss. "Cookies" I called. He came running from the corner , I picked him up and gave him a big kiss.

"Okay here are their toys that they love, and these are their treats that you give them once a day and remember to give Creme milk every morning. Give Cookies his pills every Monday morning before you go to yoga-"

My mother interrupted me before I could finish

"It's going to be okay, you can call all you want. I'll get your sister to live In your apartment while you are gone. She'll pay the rent" she exclaimed "Go have fun!"

"Thanks Mom" I replied. "Bye Cookies, Bye Creme, Mommy will see you In 18 months, I love you!" I called out to them as I walked out the door of my childhood home.

I grabbed my luggage from my car and  put It into the trunk of the taxi car. As I stepped into the taxi,  my heart started to beat louder and louder. Maybe I shouldn't go on this trip... I knew that was just my mind talking, I wanted to go travellling ever since I was a young girl. So I just ignored the voice and looked out the window trying to forget about It. The taxi driver started to drive, and at that moment I knew I had no choice to turn back now

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