Chapter 16

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Zaira's P.O.V

"what do you mean he's coming, no he can't be. I'm not ready" My breathing got heavier as the minutes passed by, no-one said anything everyone was just lost in their own thoughts not caring about the person next to them. 

"Zai, please come with me" Zack's voice was soft and shaky, his stress coursed through me like it was my own, but somehow I couldn't tell and I couldn't concentrate what if my visions became true what will we do then, is there a way to stop it. I hadn't realised  we were in his office until the door slammed shut behind me and I came back to reality only to see my twin brother pacing up and down the room, his aura filled with stress and his  mind full of thoughts so deep and stressful it gave me a headache.

"Zack, what are we going to do, you saw the visions what if it actually happens no it can't no..." he finally looked at me concerned and yet stern he finally spoke" We just can't let them win, we're the only once who can stop him and we can do it okay, don't worry we're stronger than you think and even if we lose we'll always have one another." he engulfed me in a strong yet warm bear hug, taking away everything for a while, how can someone I barely know be such a loving brother too me. It's like we have known each other forever. Luke stepped into the room , curious as to what is going on over here.

"Heyy you okay"he asked pure concern in his voice, it made me feel better in some weird way. I nodded and unwrapped myself from Zack and ran into his arms, feeling those strong loving arms wrap around my body and comforting me. I truly couldn't ask for someone else in my life.

"We need to start planning you know"I only nodded jn response, not wanting to ruin the moment we are sharing nor do I want to start thinking about this idiotic war we have to fight. Why do we have to even fight, we don't even know this guy so what's the deal man, all this for a bit of power.

"Come let's go find Grace" he lifted my chin with his index finger and gave me a light kiss, before walking out hand in hand. It was like he knew exactly how to make mw feel better and a best friend was exactly what I needed now.

"Zai" I heard my name being called and a blonde wrapped her arms around me, I immediatelt knew it was Grace and I could sense she was stressing."don't evee scare me like that again okay, I almost had a heart attack. It was just like you and Zack and it felt like my whole world was falling apart and I can't bring you back. You were just laying there and I didn't know what to do"she was pacing up and down infronr of me by now, silent tears slowly trickling down her face. I engulfed her in a hug not even realising Luke has left us alone, but all I truly wanted now was to see her smile again and not feel this hurt anymore. She didn't deserve things like that

"Gray, I'm fine. You don't have to worry I'm not going anywhere, don't worry. I won't leave you to suffer in a world without me"a small smile spread across her face as I spoke and I saw the relief flushing over her system as she let the words sink in.

"Heyy you okayy" Zack sounded concerned as he stepped into the room, eyes trained on Grace as he neared. It felt like today was only people breaking down and it truly hurt me, I was partially to blame for this and I didn't want the people I love to be hurting, but I need this war to end. We can't see more people get hurt. I walked out the room leaving those two to have a bit of alone time, something they haven't had much lately. I saw Sam and Drake playing monopoly in the kitchen and decided to join them, hearing their laughter and teasing from miles away.

"Oh look someone is bankrupt. What paid to much strippes"Sam teased and it surprised me she could joke about stuff like that. Werewolves often feel offended about jokes like this and it's rare to hear them.

"Nahh only this one bitch. She has red hair and can't stop buying things"Drake was quick to reply and his comments gor worse as I examined them from rhe kitchen door. Neither one has noticed my presence yet and if they did, they didn't care. I saw the way they looked at each other the way I looked at Luke, but I never have time to relish in those happy moments with him, they always seem to be cut short by some kind of emergency and it really sucked.  All I wanted was a moment like this, sitting around the kitchen table playing monopoly with him and maybe even Andy, we could laugh and have fun together while teasing one another, but knowing it's only a joke. Sometimes it felt like it would never even happen for me, that I would never get that happilt ever after, that those visions would come true. It felt like I would end up alone in this world and that Richard would win this fight and use me for evil.

"Oh heyy Zai, you wanna play"Sam's voice snapped me out mt thoughts and brought a smile to mt face. I edged closer and sat down next to Drake bumping him slightly with my shoulder as Sam started packing up and starting a new game. I saw Drake smile in satisfaction at this new arrangement.

"Thank you for saving me" Drake whispered, just loud enough for Sam also to hear him.

"Heyy!"she exclaimed swatting him on the arm and continuing to pack up, shaking her head slightly with an amused smile on her face. They truly made a cute couple and it brought joy to my heart, it was nice seeing some people are still acting normal. It was something I craved at the moment.

"I'm going to best you" stated Drake, determintion in his voice as he glares at Sam.

"Yeah good luck with that"she said smirking and handing me my money.

"Thanks"I mumbled, starting to analize how I could get enough money and properties without becoming bankrupt, it was quite hard thinking with a million other thoughts coursing through my mind. Thoughts that caused a slight headache, but once we started the game it was like it all faded. Maybe just for a little while and maybe I'll forget it all eventually, but as I listened to Drake and Sam going on and on about who is going to win, totally forgetting I ever existed I somehow knew it'll all be okayy. It was like a feeling spreaded through my body, like warmth when Luke hugs me or joy when Zack tells a joke it spreaded through my body like wildfire. A feeling of...


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