Chapter 3

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Picture of Zaira above

Zaira's P.O.V

Once inside, I heard voices coming from  the kitchen. Taking slow steps I stopped close enough to listen what's going on.

"Carl what am I going to do. Angela isn't here anymore to tell her about her powers. Zaira will be mad at me and there is no way I'm calling Angela's mother for help."

"Zachery I think she's your only hope at the moment. Zaira needs someone to help her with her powers and I'm afraid you're not going to be able to freeze water. Angela's mother is the only person that understand how this whole thing works, you can't protect her anymore." He knew, he has known all these years and never told me. I can't believe he never told me this life changing thing. I felt anger seeping through my body as I stormed into the kitchen making both men freeze on the spot.

" Zai honey. You're " My father spoke while giving me a hug." Are you hungry? Let's make you something to eat, you look like you are starving." I knew he was trying to avoid the topic of my shifting, but I won't have this.

"I'm fine dad. I will make my own food, oh and the shifting wasn't that bad if your intrested, actually it was quite educational." When i said the word shifting his face went pale and he stared at me wide eyed, realisation seeped into his features.

"Did you shift? We didn't know if it would  actually happen you were yelling and shaking the whole time, but nothing happened." He said frantically walking around the kitchen to make himself some coffee not daring to meet my eye." I missed my daughters first shift. Oh, but then we must go for a run later. I need to see my daughters beautiful wolf."

Jess started yelling at me to agree, but I was still angry about all these lies.

" That sounds great." I said, trying to look enthusiastic but failing miserably. I needed to talk to him and soon.

My dad just smiled and went to sit at one of the chairs near at the island. I silently made my way to the  frigde and took an ice scream tub before going to the living room to continue my marathon, he will not ruin this. When the movie was halfway he walked inside looking stressed.

"Zaira." My father spoke in a shaky voice"We need to talk"

"About what? Mmm let me think ho about the fact that you kept being the daughter of a mermaid and my stupid powers a secret for 16 damn years. 16 years dad 16. Do you even now how confused I am?" I said with so much shock I never spoke to my dad like that. He was still my Alpha and I respected him. " Oh and don't miss the fact that a psychopath is seeking me and some other half to take over the world. It was such a nice conversation  when I found out.

" Zaira I know your confused, but you have no right to disrespect me like that I'm still your father and Alpha. You may ask me any question I will try to answer what I can."

"I don't care at the moment. I need some time alone." I said calmly trying to reduce my anger.

"Zaira your in danger. We need to talk about this."

" I said I needed time." I shouted and jumped up from the couch. It was almost dark when I ran outside and shifted into my wolf, with a little help from Jess and ran as far away from the pack house as I can. The trees were a blur as a ran past them at inhumane speed. I kept on running my mind not focusing on anything but the lies that had surrounded me for sixteen year. I hadn't noticed I had crossed the territory line until a black wolf tackled me to the ground. I was thrown betweena large wolf to wait.

The wolf got off me and went behind a tree to shift. He must have shifted recently otherwise the pack witch would've made sure his clothes stayed intack while shiftinh. He came back with a pair of shorts on and walked towards me swiftly, a determined look on his face.

" Shift" he said and I could feel authority radiating off of him. He was an Alpha but I was the Alpha's daughter so his Aplha tone didn't faze  me.

He had green eyes and black hair with  a large scar running down his chest. "Didn't you hear me pup, SHIFT!!!!!" With those words Jess got so angry how dare he disrespect us we have alpha blood. She growled at him and shook her.

Suddenly one of the warriors spoke
"Alpha I think she recently shifted. Maybe she needs clothes." The Alpha looked at me and I nodded my head to state my situation. He threw a giant t-shirt my way and I walked behind a tree and quickly shifted into my human form. When I came put behind the tree everyone stared at me as if I was a ghost.

" Who are you and what are you doing on my land"

Zack's P.O.V

I stared at the beautiful girl that came onto my land, but she looked almost like my mother with blue eyes. I needed to speak to her about this. I was a fairly young Alpha, the previous Alpha got killed and since he never had any relatives I was given the pack due to my Alpha blood.

"Where is my mother" I asked Max, the beta through our mind link.

"She went to the border line with Pete to wait for the neighbouring Alpha's visit" he answered back quickly, he was staring at the girl in awe.

After we spoke a brought my attention back to the girl. She was about to shift into her white wolf, the wolf that has haunted my dreams since I shifted. I ran towards her before she could run away and pinned her down.

" I still need answers pup." She got up and started walking but not back towards my pack house in the distant.

" where are you going" i questioned jogging to catch up to her. This girl had absolutely no fear and she came onto my land practically demanding me to let her go.

"You want answers well we can't talk here soo let's go" she kept on walking and didn't dare meet my eyes.

"Okay" I answered a bit confused, why did I trust this random girl so much. There was only one person I trusted to give me answers and that was my mother.

"Mom meet me in the pack house asap." I mind linked her, confusion coursing through my mind as we continued walking. The wolves that had  informed me of her presence following closely behind me

"I'm on my way. Why what's wrong?" Her voice was laced with worry as it filled my mind. Typical mother.

"Just come to the pack house" I repeated.

With that I cutted her off and walked in silence next to the girl. We came to the pack house and went into my office, with my mother already waiting inside. She stopped in front of the door and sniffed the air.

"Who is inside your office? I don't want to walk into a naked girl or anything." I chuckled at her statement

"Number one it's my mom and number two I will only have one naked girl in there, but I haven't found her so calm down and walk inside." She just nodded and opened the door as if this was her house and not mine. Does this girl have no manners or something? Halfway inside she stopped causing me to bump into her.

" Zaira?"my mother asked shocked

"MOM????"she asked with so much shock, but before I could say anything I saw her pass out and as I stared at her trying to move to help everything went black. What is going on?

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